Author: Guest Author
(Dachaassaa Hundaa) [Previous parts: Jawar Mohammed: A Bull in a China Shop; Jawar’s views on.
(Dachaassaa Hundaa) [Previous parts: Jawar Mohammed: A Bull in a China Shop; Jawar’s views on.
(Dachaassaa Hundaa) [Previous: Jawar Mohammed: A Bull in a China Shop] Since the onset of.
Editor’s note: A reader of HornAffairs submitted a lengthy commentary on Jawar Mohammed of Oromia.
Dr. Costantinos Beruh Tesfa Berhe[Presented to a select group of participants at a closed session.
(Shishay Amare Gebremeskel) Though people, since ancient times, has been creating ways of solving their.
(Leonard Vincent) On Saturday morning, two exiled Eritrean journalists in exile and two European journalists.
(Magertu Regassa) In civilized and democratic nations around the globe, political opposition is not luxury..
From Small Village to the Global Stage: Ethiopian Women Farmer to speak at World Food.
(Solomon Gebre-Medhin) Note: The renowned Ethiopian born US scholar Prof. Ephraim Isaac, said that the.