Category: Economy & Business
ሰሞኑን የተለያዩ ጋዜጦችና ድረ ገፆች «በኦሞ አካባቢ ሁለት ነጥብ ሰባት ቢሊዮን በርሜል ነዳጅ ዘይት ክምችት.
If there is a cliché often repeated among the ranking officers of the Ethiopian National.
Saudi Prince Khalid bin Sultan "asked if [legal frameworks] which are firm and binding in.
One of the main foci of the Growth and Transformation Plan is development of sugar.
Following the 9/11 attacks and the launch of the Global War on Terror, many humanitarian.
(By William Davison) Metals & Engineering Corp., an Ethiopian military-run corporation, said it plans to.
The Gilgel Gibe III Dam is once again under fire from environmentalists who had previously.
(By Lori Pottinger) The destruction of the Aral Sea in Central Asia has been called.
The active politician is a creator, an initiator; but he neither creates from nothing nor.
(William Davison & Simon Clark) Zeini Kadir escaped at dawn, when the gates of the.