Category: Post Meles 2012
Antifragility, a concept introduced by the author Nassim Nicholas Taleb, represents things that benefit from.
Highlight:- "Hailemariam might like to expand his power with time, but there is no sufficient.
Special edition| Post-Meles 2012 Collection of exclusive interviews, opinion pieces and news digests covering the.
1. Best Person of the Year: The Ethiopian people. (for the amazing decency and civility.
Ethiopia’s newly elected Prime Minister made 100 days in office on Dec. 28, 2013.
Here is a round up of his public activities.
Minister Junedine Sado is on his way out, becoming the first Minister to be sacked.
” In the Ethiopian bureaucracy, as we know it, the best a complainant can hope from an administrative appeal is a benevolent superior officer, who reverses the unjust decision, while reminding her that the problem wouldn’t have occurred if she had “behaved”. In the worst scenario, the case would simply be referred back, thereby leaving the complainant at the mercy of that same official. The rest of scenarios range between a sort of arbitration and negotiation. “