Al-Shabaab split threatens to open new conflict between Somalia’s Islamists

Despite recent celebrations of its merger with al-Qaeda, Somalia’s Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen movement has been.

Ethiopia: Oil- explorer expects billions of barrels in Ogaden basin

SouthWest Energy, an Ethiopian oil- exploration company, said it’s optimistic about the results of a.

Ethiopia: Minister Shiferaw warns again unnamed Muslim extremist

The government will no have spare time to allow any ill-move by subversive groups that.

HIV/AIDS: New book tracks the epidemic to its origins

Highlight: * The epidemic was born between 1881 and 1924. A few decades later, the.

China cleaning up Neoliberalism’s mess in Africa: PM Meles Zenawi

The Ethiopia Prime Minister lauded Chinese role in Africa. Not only he defended the merit.

Ethiopia to host frm. Yemen president Saleh for 2 years | Yemen media

Yemeni news outlets are reporting that Ethiopia agreed to host their former president, Ali Abdullah.

Update on the two Arabs expelled by Ethiopia

It is to be recalled that the Ethiopian government expelled two Arabs alleging they tried.

Study: “Compulsory free labor” popular in Tigray, Ethiopia

[Quote from the study report] “There is no resistance in communal work,” one focal group.

Analysis: Dahir Aweys and the Politics of the Al-Shabaab Split

An analysis published on AfricanArguements on April 4, 2012, authored by Abdi Aynte, a journalist.

Rain damages 700 tents of Somalian refugees in Ethiopia

The United Nations High Commission for Refuges (UNHCR) said that heavy rains in mid-April affected.