Analysis: The myth and mystique of humanitarian space

The phenomenon of ‘shrinking humanitarian space’ is earnestly debated by aid workers. The often-heard complaint.

Ethiopia: PM Meles on the Ahbash, Salafi, Wahabi controversy

 Ethiopia began its transformation to a federal democratic system in 1995 with its new constitution.

Ethiopia: Two Gov’t websites hacked, defaced on Sunday

Hackers attacked the websites of the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) and the Office of Federal.

Ethiopian, Pakistani farmworkers killed near Saudi-Star farm

Unidentified gunmen killed five and wounded eight nearby Saudi-Star’s farm in Gambella region, western Ethiopia,.

Ethiopia: Four died after Jihadists stormed a Police station

An attack by Jihadists on a police station resulted in the death of four people.

Sudan-South Sudan: The Heart of the Matter in the Worsening Relations

As Antonovs from bases in Sudan continue to miss their targets amidst the ear-splitting sounds.

Ethiopia: Inside the ‘Tana-High Level Forum’ closed meetings

On April 14 and 15, the Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa, attended by.

Ethiopia could now become food exporter | Le Temps

The Swiss media, Le Temps, recently published an article on the ongoing Ethiopian agricultural transformation.

Brazil’s Foreign Minister visits Ethiopia

Highlight: * [The] visit was marked by the signing of five agreements. These covered Bilateral.

Somalia’s Draft Constitution finalized

On Monday, Somalia’s Prime Minister, Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, announced that the draft constitution had.