Rights groups and ICG call for arms embargo on South Sudan

Human Rights watch urged Horn of Africa’s nations to lobby for arms embargo on South.

Ethiopia: Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness 3-months Plan of Action

Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) Ethiopia: Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness Date of issue: 30 October,2014Operation.

Ethiopia: Sinking In Debt? Far from it

Recent news on the size of Ethiopia’s external debt has shocked many and stoked a.

Ethiopia: Amnesty International: Sensationalism gone Wild

This article, by Daniel Berhnane, was first published on the Canadian “Centre for Research on.

Paper|Ethiopia’s Regional Diplomacies: A Dominant Interpretation of the Horn of Africa

* The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to address the mismatch between its policy.

Starving Ethiopia buys Liquor – Chicago Tribune 1984

Editor’s note: It has been 30 years since the notorious Famine hit Ethiopia, which some.

Six Indian workers died at an Ethiopian Sugar Factory

Six Indian workers died at Fincha Sugar Factory on Friday, according to a statement from.

Eritrea: Conversation with the resistance mov’t inside Asmara

(Leonard Vincent) On Saturday morning, two exiled Eritrean journalists in exile and two European journalists.

Ethiopia’s external debt surged to 14 Billion USD

Ethiopia’s Public Sector Debt grew threefold in the past five years. The total outstanding external.

Ethiopia should wake up and smell the coffee – Financial Times

(Mian Ridge) Ethiopia, Africa’s biggest coffee producer, will benefit from unusually dry weather in Brazil.