Category: Tigrai
Press release: Tigray Governance Forum
Recent announcements of an underway preparation for Tigray governance Forum cession at Addis Ababa comes.
Refugees in Ethiopia; Facts and Figures
(Abel G.) According to ‘Ethiopia Country Refugee Response Plan” document, published by December 2018, Ethiopia.
Call for Paper submissions – The Global Society of Tigrean Scholars (GSTS)
The Global Society of Tigrean Scholars (GSTS) (ዓለም ለኸ ማሕበረሰብ ሙሁራን ትግራይ) Quo Vadis Tigray?.
The Deep Reform of TPLF: What the New Leadership should do?
I am writing this open letter to the newly elected chairman of TPLF, Dr Debretsion.
TPLF expelled two Central Committee members
TPLF Central Committee expelled two members and reprimanded another four in its meeting yesterday. The.
Genuine parliamentary democracy the only path to political stability
(Tesfai Hailu) TPLF’s (Tigrai People’s Liberation Front) Central Committee meeting in Mekelle is viewed by.
Mekelle City should reconsider pulling the plug on struggling businesses
(Tesfai Hailu) As everyone who lives or paid a visit to Mekelle lately would notice,.