Category: Tigrai
Press Statement on the condition of mob violence against Tigrayans and other Ethiopian citizens
The Global Society of Tigrean Scholars (GSTS) vehemently condemns the ongoing mob violence targeting innocent.
Land Grabbing Cases in Mekelle & Wukro
(Haile Tessema) Residents of Mekelle and visitors to the regional capital would be familiar with.
Arena Tigray party should lead or get out of the way
(Haile Tessema) In a democracy, the opposition party has a very significant role to play.
The adverse impacts of hyper urbanization & industrialization on Mekelle & its environs
(Tesfai Hailu) As the biblical wise man put it centuries ago, “Where there is no.
New gold mines in Shire, Wollega, TuluKapi, as illicit trade rises
(Kaleyesus Bekele – The Reporter) Three foreign and local mining firms are developing large scale.
Ethiopia’s Tigray region earns Gold in UN-backed award for conservation
Ethiopia’s Tigray region won Gold in the 2017 Future Policy Award for world’s best policies.
Ethiopia’s Tigray region nominated for an award for tackling land degradation
The 2017 Future Policy Award has released a shortlist of the world’s best policies for.