Category: Oromia
Semayawi and Arena-Tigrai parties reported two deaths putting the total post-election death claims at four,.
As we continue calling upon the Ethiopian government and the ruling EPRDF to immediately and.
(Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni) Nowhere in the world has the government of the country refused to.
(Dachaassaa Hundaa) [Previous parts: Jawar Mohammed: A Bull in a China Shop; Jawar’s views on.
(Dachaassaa Hundaa) [Previous parts: Jawar Mohammed: A Bull in a China Shop; Jawar’s views on.
(Dachaassaa Hundaa) [Previous: Jawar Mohammed: A Bull in a China Shop] Since the onset of.
Editor’s note: A reader of HornAffairs submitted a lengthy commentary on Jawar Mohammed of Oromia.
This article, by Daniel Berhnane, was first published on the Canadian “Centre for Research on.
Ethiopia’s government illegally detained at least 5,000 members of the country’s most populous ethnic group,.
(Jen and Josh) Disclaimer: We are no longer Peace Corps Volunteers, and the following is.