Author: Daniel Berhane
የኢትዮጵያ እስልምና ጉዳዮች ጠቅላይ ምክር ቤት (መጅሊስ) አመራር ራሱን ከሀላፊነት ለማግለል መወሰኑን ከአወሊያ ተቋም በተያያዘ.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said: a leader must be prepared to say “no” when.
Empowering African farmers will be central to success, according to participants of the Grow Africa.
Microsoft founder, philanthropist Bill Gates showered praises on the Ethiopian government saying: ‘one factor in.
Despite recent celebrations of its merger with al-Qaeda, Somalia’s Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen movement has been.
The government will no have spare time to allow any ill-move by subversive groups that.
Highlight: * The epidemic was born between 1881 and 1924. A few decades later, the.
The Ethiopia Prime Minister lauded Chinese role in Africa. Not only he defended the merit.
Yemeni news outlets are reporting that Ethiopia agreed to host their former president, Ali Abdullah.
It is to be recalled that the Ethiopian government expelled two Arabs alleging they tried.