Author: Daniel Berhane
Somalia’s Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Shabaab and the Ethiopian rebel ONLF appear to have formed a logistical.
Addis Ababa-Bole International Airport was voted as one of the best five airports in Africa,.
Eritrea continued to support at least three Ethiopian rebel groups including Ginbot 7, a United.
United Nations’ report indicated that Eritrea continued propping up Tigrai People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM) in.
Ethiopian prosecutors charged six men on Tuesday in connection with a foiled plot to disrupt.
Ethiopia downplayed al-Shabaab related security concern, contradicting United States’ warning of a “potential of an.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) stirred controversy after presenting a revisionist version of the 1994.
Gunmen in Darfur kill three Ethiopian peacekeepers, a patrol vehicle and might have abducted another.
United States’ government reported to have “received threat reports of al-Shabaab’s intent to target the.
President of the Republic, Mulatu Teshome, granted military titles to six Generals of the Ethiopian.