Author: Berhanu Tsegay

Berhanu Tsegay is a resident of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and a Masters Degree holder in Development Studies. He can be reached at +251943-304555 or

A Revolutionary Leader within a Revolutionary Democracy

Dr. Abiy Ahmed is now there as democratically elected PM for all of us as.

Map - Ethiopia federal regions
Discoloring the Color-Revolution

It is common to see various purposeful revolutions around the world. They mostly happen when.

Jawar Mohamed and USA’s Interest in Ethiopia

A demagogue activist who is religiously and ethnically divisive and hate preacher, hosted by United.

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Is Federalism a threat or a treatment to Ethiopian Unity?

(By Berhanu) The rationales why states of the world are unitary, federal or hybrid governance.

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Fake news on Facebook media and its remedy

Rapid development in social networking technologies over the last four decades has transformed the way.

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Pandora’s Box – full of Public Grievances

Urgent and concrete measures should be badly needed and deployed before it is too late.

Map - Ethiopia regional map
Building a Model Public Institution – the challenges in Ethiopia

1/ Introduction The public service of any country stands out as the major machinery of.

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Public Service in Developmental States and the Ethiopian case

(Berhanu Tsegay) A major effort directed at establishing the relationship between public administration and development.

Image - China Africa Cooperation
The Impact of China on Western’s Policy towards Africa

Berhanu Tsegay (from MoFEC) [Oct, 2013] Abstract Driven by its own energy demands that are.

Development & Democracy – Two sides of the same coin

(Berhanu Tsegay – from MOFEC) If a country is awash with corruption, rent-seeking, lack of good.