Category: Security
United States’ Department of Defence disclosed on Monday an airstrike on Al Shabaab targets in.
(René Lefort – OpenDemocracy) The culture of power is one of centralisation. But real federalism.
Ethnic baiting targeting TPLF and Tigrayans in connection with the protests in Oromia is a.
(Mathias Muindi – BBC Monitoring) A controversial plan by the Ethiopian government to expand the.
The ruling party of Ethiopia’s largest region, Oromia, announced full roll back on the proposed.
(Samuel Okiror – IRIN) Talks aimed at a settlement to Burundi’s violent political divide are.
(Kaleyesus Bekele – Ethiopian Reporter) The United States Air Force (USAF) has shut down its.
(Haile Tessema) It’s not new for a country that has achieved its independence to have.
The weeks-long protests in Ethiopia’s largest region Oromia slid into a security crisis costing the.
Just 120 Km drive from Addis Ababa, there is Woliso town, South West Shewa zone.