Author: Daniel Berhane

Daniel Berhane

Ethiopian ‘first’ self-immolation or mere suicide?

Since last week, the Ethiopian opposition in diaspora is entertaining a renewed hope that a.

Azania: the true objective of Kenya in Somalia

As the conflict between Kenya and the Somali militia Al Shabab continues, it seems that.

Egypt: April 6 calls for civilian rule, after deadly protests

Following the public protests that began last Saturday and left dozens dead and close to.

PM Meles to visit Korea, attend Aid summit

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi will travel to South Korea next week for a four-day.

Egypt: Rule of law under siege

Demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir square against Egypt’s interim military rulers have reportedly left at least.

Eritrea only sees a lengthening list of enemies

Eritrea only sees a lengthening list of enemies [From: A Week in the Horn of.

Aid Policy: Donors still far from transparent

When nations gather in Busan, South Korea, for the fourth High Level Forum on Aid.

Ethiopia launches a $150 bln Green Economy strategy plan

Ethiopia launched ‘Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE)’ economic strategy plan, estimated at $ 150 Billion,.

Egypt: On the eve of Parliamentary elections

Protesters occupied Cairo’s Tahrir Square on 18 November to demand that the ruling military hand.

Ethiopia: Slovakia recalls Ambassador, demands apology

The government of Slovakia expressed dissatisfaction with the Ethiopian explanation concerning the detention of its.