FDRE: State Presidents, Speakers & Cabinets List

Member States of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia(FDRE) have formed new governments as per.

Ethiopia – Who’s Who in the New Cabinet?

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi formed a government, last week. So far 25 members of the.

Final Election Results from Election Board

The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has announced the official results of the 4th National and Regional election held on May 23/2010 as follows:

‘Election-win-EPRDF-style’ in 8 Liberal Countries

“Can you think of any government that purports to be a multi-party democracy, but manages.

Election: EU, USA & UK Press Statements(full text)

Presumably, you have heard about the press statements made by the European Union, the United.

Eleven Things Nobody is Telling You: Comparing the Two Elections

It’s been a few days since EPRDF’s massive win in the 2010 has become evident and analysts are struggling to come up with a theory explaining the outcome. Granted that, the 2005 elections will serve as a point of departure for most.
Thus, I made a brief research to compare the two elections’ important features, though not exhaustive. The findings are presented here under nine headings.

Provisional Results for Federal & State legislative seats

The National Election Board of Ethiopia has released a more complete provisional result of the.

AU Election Observers – Preliminary Statement

The African Union Observer Mission has released,on May 26, its Preliminary Statement of its observations.

EU Election Observers – Preliminary Report

The European Union Election Observation Mission has released its Preliminary Report on May 25, 2010.

Ethiopian Election Results Update – from Election Board

The National Election Board of FDRE announced provisional results of the 4th National & Regional.