Category: News
A recruitment agency in Bahrain sparked outrage by offering an “Ethiopian maid” as a prize..
(Vanguardngr) The U.S. and Ethiopia Military on Monday began training soldiers from the African Union.
The ruling party EPRDF (Ethiopian peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front) postponed its Congress to 2018. The.
Joint Press Release of the Office of the First Lady of the Federal Democratic Republic.
“I envision a world where everyone can lead healthy and productive lives, regardless of who.
(Council on Foreign Relations) The South Sudanese government and the United Nations declared a famine.
The parliament of Somaliland ratified on Sunday an agreement for a United Arab Emirates (UAE).
(Aid & International Development Forum) With Aid & Development Africa Summit fast approaching, Aid &.
(Josh Lederman and Matthew Lee – Associated Press) The Obama administration announced Friday the end.