Ethiopian Herald Op-Ed tells Saudi Prince what "everyone with half a brain knows"

“The argument “because the dam is being built near Sudan” wouldn’t hold water unless you.

Saudi Gazette | Do not encourage Ethiopia-phobia

(By: Mahmoud Ahmed) The recent phenomenon of Ethiopia bashing in our country’s media is turning.

Ethiopia to Sue Saudi Media for Defaming Citizens

The Ethiopian embassy in Saudi Arabia is considering suing individuals and the media for defaming.

Ethiopian media| To Losers Go the Awards

Last week, Bofta Yimam, a reporter for the United States’ Fox 13 News, caught some.

Special Edition | Post-Meles Zenawi 2012

Special edition| Post-Meles 2012 Collection of exclusive interviews, opinion pieces and news digests covering the.

Interview with a diaspora activist Mekonen Kassa

” When the rumors were rampant about his illness and wild speculations of his death, I have told people that if PM Meles were dead Ethiopians from North to South and from East to West would mobilize and grieve for days. And that is exactly what happened. “

Interview with Editor-in-Chief Tsedale Lemma

” There is no one answer that fits into a description of “independent media.” But the least is a media that doesn’t have to worry about whether or not a certain topic is the right topic to discuss in a professional manner. In other words, a media that, other than issues strictly to do with professional integrity, is not tangled by self-censorship and an imposing environment of fear. “

Eskinder Nega’s paper: Let’s learn from Nazi heroism [final part]

[This is the fourth and last part of the series. Read the first here (link),.

Eritrea and Iran’s Press TV reporting

It is a very obvious fact that the regime in Eritrea is exceptionally isolated. Few.

Eskinder Nega’s paper preaching genocide

[This the third piece of the series on Eskinder Nega. (Please read the first here.