Ethio-Eritrea | Get Rid of the Bad Boy

By Nahusenay Belay The Horn of Africa in general and Ethiopia in particular are on.

ለተቃዋሚዎች ውድቀት የሚታዩና የማይታዩ የራሳቸው ምክንያቶች Amharic

(ከአዲስ ምዕራፍ) የመድረክ የአመራር አባል የሆኑት ዶክተር መረራ ጉዲና እሁድ ህዳር 9 ቀን 2ዐዐ5 ዓ.ም.

Egypt: Fresh worries for political, religious minorities


Report: Kenya: High risk for "mass atrocities including genocide"

In December 2007, Kenya descended into ethnic violence after a disputed presidential election. There are.

American Security companies eye Somalia

In anticipation of NATO’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014, leading private security firms are looking.

Saudi Airport returns Ethiopian women workers due to age

Many Saudis have expressed dismay over the rising number of newly recruited housemaids who are.

Ethiopia-Qatar relations move onto a new bilateral level

Last week, Prime Minister Hailemariam led a high-level Ethiopian delegation to the UN Climate Change.

Paper | Policy reform toward gender equality in Ethiopia

IFPRI Discussion Paper: Policy reform toward gender equality in Ethiopia Little by little the egg.

Ethiopia, Kenya and talks for interim Kismayo administration

Kenya and Ethiopia are still backing the plan to create a regional State of Jubaland.

Analysis: Ethiopia: Security as a basis for development and cooperation

One of the central objectives of Ethiopia’s Foreign and National Security Policy is to resist.