Category: Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF)
(Lammii Beenyaa) Sources told me that Jaal Marroo, the Western Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) commander.
Three new deputy Chief of Staffs appointed to Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF) while sixty-one.
Two mass graves and 48 bodies of Somalis killed in Gadulo, Oromia region, has been.
The military situation in Ethiopian and Sudan border descalated after Sudan withdrew its forces, a.
Sudanese President Al-Bashir honoured General Samora Yenus, the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National.
(Vanguardngr) The U.S. and Ethiopia Military on Monday began training soldiers from the African Union.
(Yeshitila Zewdie) “It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness..
This week the World Wide Web was awash with an Ethio-Eritrean matter. Conflict, that is..
The heavy fighting in the Tsorena area of the Ethiopian Eritrea border subsided after the.
The Eritrean government has just issued a statement confirming the heavy fighting on the border.