(በዘሪሁን ሙሉጌታ)
ባለፉት ሁለት ሳምንታት በሺህ የሚቆጠሩ የአማራ ክልል ተወላጆች ከቤንሻንጉል ክልል ተፈናቅለው በጎጃም ፍኖተሰላም አካባቢ እንዲሰፍሩ የተደረገው በስህተት መሆኑን የቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል ርዕሰ መስተዳድር ገለፁ። የተፈናቀሉት በሙሉ ቀደም ሲል ወደነበሩበት እንዲመለሱ መወሰኑንም አስታወቁ።
የቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል ርዕሰ መስተዳድር አቶ አህመድ ናስር በተለይ ለሰንደቅ ጋዜጣ እንደገለፁት ሰሞኑን ከክልሉ እንዲፈናቀሉ የተደረጉ የአማራ ተወላጆች በሙሉ እንዲመለሱ መወሰኑን ገልፀዋል።
በክልሉ ከአማራ ክልል ብቻ ሳይሆን ከኦሮምያ ከመሬት ጥበት፣ ከአፈር ምርታማነት ማጣት ጋር በተያያዘ የተሻለ መሬት ፍለጋ ሰዎች ወደ ክልሉ እንደሚገቡ የገለፁት አቶ አህመድ ነገር ግን ሰፈራው በሕገ-ወጥ መንገድ ሲፈፀም መቆየቱን አስታውሰዋል።
“እኛ የምንቃወመው በሕገ-ወጥ መንገድ በደን ውስጥ እየገቡ ደን እየመነጠሩ ሰፈራ ማስፋፋቱን ነው። ይህ ደግሞ ለክልሉ ብቻ ሳይሆን እንደ ሀገርም አደጋ አለው” ያሉት አቶ አህመድ“በሕገ-መንግስታችን መሠረት ማንኛውም ሰው ለስራ ቢዘዋወር ችግር የለውም” ብለዋል።
ነገር ግን አሁን ከክልሉ እንዲፈናቀሉ የተደረጉት ለምን እንደሆነ ርዕሰ መስተዳደሩ ተጠይቀው ከታች ያለው አስተዳደር ስህተት በመፈፀሙ ነው ሲሉ አምነዋል። አስተዳዳሪዎቹ ሕዝቡን ያፈናቀሉት ሕገ-ወጥ ሰፈራውን ከነባሩ የመለየት ስራ ላይ ተናቦ የመስራት ችግር በማጋጠሙ ነው ብለዋል።
“አስተዳደራችን አካባቢ ስህተት ተፈፅሟል። መፈፀም ግን አልነበረበትም። ነገር ግን እንደ ክልል መንግስት በሕገ-ወጥ መንገድ የሰፈሩትን መቆጣጠር አለብን። ኅብረተሰቡ በፈለገው ጊዜና ወቅት እየተነሳ ደን እየመነጠረ መስፈር አስቸጋሪ ስለሆነ ስርዓት መያዝ አለበት የሚል አቋም አለን” ያሉት አቶ አህመድ ስህተት የፈፀሙ የአስተደደር አካላት ላይም ግምገማ በማካሄድ ማስተካከያ እናደርጋለን ብለዋል።
በጉዳዩ ላይ ከአማራ ክልል ባለስልጣናት ጋር ምክክር መደረጉንም ያስታወሱት አቶ አህመድ ችግሩ በድጋሚ ሊፈጠር የማይችልባቸውን ቀዳዳዎች ለመድፈን ከአማራ ክልል መንግሥት ጋር ስምምነት ላይ መደረሱንም ተናግረዋል።
እስካሁን ባለው ሁኔታ ወደ 1 ሺህ 346 አባወራዎች ከ3ሺህ ቤተሰቦቻቸው ጋር እንዲፈናቀሉ መደረጉን የጠቀሱት ርዕሰ መስተዳድሩ ችግሩ ከኪራይ ሰብሳቢነት አመለካከት ጋር የተያያዘ መሆኑንም አስረድተዋል።
“በክልላችን አንዳንድ ቦታዎች ሰዎቹን ወደ አካባቢው ካስገቡአቸው በኋላ የሚታይ ችግር አለ። በተለይ ከመሬት አስተዳደር ጋር በተያያዘ ችግር አለብን። በየጊዜው እናጣራለን፤ እንጠርጋለን፣ እንገመግማለን ችግሩን ግን ሙሉ በሙሉ ማፅዳት አልተቻለም” ሲሉ ተናግረዋል።
ማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ወደ ክልሉ መግባትና መውጣት የሚያስችል ሕገ-መንግስታዊ መብቱ የተከበረ መሆኑን ያስታወሱት ርዕሰ መስተዳድሩ በቀጣይም ከአማራ ክልል ወደ ክልላችን ለስራ በሚገቡበት ሁኔታ ላይ ስምምነት ላይ መደረሱን አመልክተዋል። ይሁን እንጂ የክልሉ ደን እንዳይወድምና ጥበቃ እንዲደረግ ከአማራ ክልል ጋር ከስምምነት ላይ ተደርሷል ብለዋል።
በትናንትናው ዕለት በፍኖተ ሰላም ከተማ ተፈናቃዮችን ወደመጡበት አካባቢ ለመመለስ 11 መኪኖች መዘጋጀታቸውንና ተፈናቃዮቹን የሚያጅቡ የፌዴራል ልዩ የፖሊስ ኃይል መታጀባቸውን የዓይን ምስክሮች ገልፀዋል።
Source: Sendek – April 10, 2013. Originally titled “ከቤንሻንጉል ክልል የተፈናቀሉ የአማራ ተወላጆች ወደነበሩበት እንዲመለሱ ተወሰነ”
Related (in this blog):
To Daniel blog
First of all the whole talk show about the ”evicted” Amara’s from Benishangul Gumuz is nothing but a well planned propaganda strategy to divert peoples attension from the crimes commited aganist Amara’s by TPLF and OLF-OPDF and their followers: the masses.
In fact except your blog, no news agency has reported that the ”evicted 3000 Amara’s with their ´families were ”allowed” to return back to Beni Shangul.
Two: This is not the first time when Tigray which is partely my motherland that have sold out Amara’s and Ethiopia to invading forces. Namely, It was Tigryans and king Yohannes who slaughterd hundreds of Oxes and and offered food and water to the invading Imperialist British army giving them the best and safest travelling guide all the way to Mekdella where finally The Great Emeror Tewodros took his life with his own hand gun to save Ethiopia from being occupied. Mind you the great Emporor who saved Ethiopia from the selfish local princes/warloards that divided Ethiopia into their own personal fiefs and fought each other continuousely where king Yohannes was one of the warloards of Tigray was the reason for the deth of thousands of Etiopians including Eperess Tiruwork, the burning of Medhane Eyesus Church, the looting of preciouis gold, silver ornaments including The Golden Crown of Emperor TEWODROS as well as hundereds of precious volumes of Ethiopian history written in Birana ”a finite sheep or goats skin) . An exact analogy is that of the fiefdom of Somalia before the TSG (The Transitional Somali government) with the help of Ethiopia and Kenya was established in 2006.
It was also the TPLF under the former PM Meles Zenawi who sold out all of the Red Sea cost to Eritrea.
All the pro TPLF web sites including your blog while presenting yourselves as ”promoters” of democracy and justice the fact of the matter is that you are Wolves and Hynas in sheeps clothe’s.
Just try to keep your testosterone level under control for a while and try your very best to think rationally and answer the following: What is the difference between Mussollini who attacked Ethiopia from overseas with a plan to settle Italian farmers in Ethiopia and the TPLF and its extremists who are still holding power and or are still powerful and influential like Sibhat Nega and the once within the central commitee of the TPLF-EPRDF and the OLF and ONDF who came from the neigbouring Amara territorry and illegally occupied and settled their farmers in Amara territory?.
In fact both the TPLF and the OLF-OPDF boosted and published officially publishing and talking out loud ” …We Occupyied the Lions share of territories”? What is the difference here? Distance from Italy to Ethiopia or what?. For me I don’t see any difference between the one who came from overseas to expand his empire = Mussolini and TPLF, OLF-OPDF from the neighbouring regions.
I was very young and instead of joining Addis Abeba University both my parents, relatives and eventually myself accepted my fate to leave Ethiopia. Short after many of my near relatives were murdered by the fascistic military junta leader col.Mengistu and worse those who were murdered later during the red terror my very near relatives were forced to pay for the cost of the bullet that butchered them like lumbs in a slaughter.
We Ethiopians use to have a relative tolerance and even love. True, we also had an ongoing clandestine strategy of not only expansion of territories fully supported by the last Oromo king Haileselassie, who was initially given the name was Tolessa Dedissa, then changed to Teferi and finally to Hailesilassie. The same way his father who was initially known by the name Dedissa Gudessa later changed his name to Mekonen Weldemikael Gudessa, who is only half Amara on his grand fathers side. All of the strategy of preparing an Oromo Emporor as ”soon as possible” which was already well planned by Emperor Minilk II’s wife Taitu Bitul (also an Oromo) who by the way after finding out that the only? Dauhther of Emperor Tewodros II’s Weizero Alitash Tewodros who was the first wife of Emperor Minilik II (also partly Oromo and partely & partly A shewa Amara) came all the way from Tigray to pay homage to her first husband became pregnant by Minilik but the childess brutal and barren Emperess Taytu Bitul had Weizero Alitash poisoned.
Fortunately The Great Emporor Tewodros II who have put an end to the so-called ” the era of Zemene Mesafint” or ”the Age of the princes” and had from the start had a dream of not only unifying Ethiopia but had great dreams of modernising Ethiopia, from whom Emperor Minilik have learned a lot while he was under arrest by Emperor Tewdros II. have had many sons from other Women particularly after the death of his beloved wife where one of them was Ras Meshesha Tewdros (who helped free Minilik from captivity in Gonder) from whom partly I also decended from on my fathers side. The Reason why I brought this historical fact is because the entire today’s Benishangul Gumuz was entierly part and parcel of Gojjam mostely controlled by Agew Amaras. It was only later our brothers in Benishangul Gumuz immigrated from Sudan.
Though I am also partly from Tigray on my mothers side, I fully agree with TATEKENDEGENA that the extremists within the TPLF who basically control everything in today’s Ethiopia have not only illegally occupied territories that belong to ”Gonder”- Bege Meder all the way to setit Humera and so-called Felasha land that was created in the middle of Begemeder during thev era of Yodit Gudit. Not only that the extremists within TPLF have expanded theier ”empire” also by occupying Northern Wello. Similarly, the Oromo’s have illegally expanded their ”empire” starting from the days of Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi or Grang Muhammed which continued during the period of the fascist Derg col. Mengistu who was also an Oromo in his mother’s side and a South Sudanise from Undurman and further during the period when the Ethiopia hater Dictator Isayas was a very close ally of TPLF leaders and in particular with the extremists TPLF top brass who have also murederd in cold blood in particular Shewa Amara’s together with the OLF planting the seeds of hatrade and continued scapegoating to achieve their goals and meet their ends.
All this is unfogateable. I wish and hope that Ethiopia will remain a strongely united and developed country both agriculturally and industrially but it is inevitable to rectify the unjust expansion of ”empires” and trading in the name of Amara’s has to stop. Be aware, even the bible says that: You rip what you saw.
BTW: My name is not Amanuel Wesenie
we never forget what is going on by woyane
Woygud, do you thing the action was quick? I think they are just trying to divert our attention. This has always been thier plan and they have been implementing it for a long time.
I’m glad they took a corrective action quickly. It was disgraceful to even have this plan in the first place. What about the abuse and their material loss? Will they be compensated?