Tag: UDJ
አንድነት ለዴሞክራሲና ለፍትሕ ፓርቲ (አንድነት) UNITY FOR DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE PARTY (UDJ) ለ2ዐ ዓመታት ተፈትኖ.
አንድነት ፓርቲ ከትላንት በስቲያ (አርብ) የፈረንጆቹን አዲስ ዓመት በማስመልከት መግለጫ አውጥቷል፡፡ መግለጫው ከአዲስ ዓመት መልካም.
The President of Ethiopian Democratic Party, Lidetu Ayalew, disclosed the perpetuators of the attempt to.
Last week, the Amharic weekly Addisadmass asked three parties to predict the election results of.
Arguably, the USDS report proved its clout, albeit, in a baffling manner. It would be.
Birtukan Mideksa’s party, UDJ (aka ANDINET), made headlines, when its leaders surprised everyone by turning.
Justified you are to show ‘news fatigue’ or ‘reading-fatigue’, on the Birtukan Mideksa agenda. You.
As polling day approaches, the ruling party appears set to win by a landslide. Opposition.