US wants more sanction on ‘famine hit’ Eritrea

Highlights: United States is very much interested in additional pressure and sanctions….we think that that.

Somalia: Gov’t, AU troops assault on Al-Shabaab

[The following update, titled TFG and AMISOM forces pre-empt Al-Shabaab attack, is from A Week.

Somalia: Famine spreads to three more areas [Press Release]

Highlights: Three Agro-pastorals districts and IDP settlement areas reached famine stage. – in addition to.

UN Tightens Sanctions Regime on Eritrea, Somalia [Text of Resolution 2002-2011]

The United Nations Security Council decided unanimously to tighten the Sanctions regime on Somalia and.

Eritrean Terrorism: Key personalities and facilities | UN Report

The United Nations had already sanction Eritrea for destabilizing the Horn of Africa region. Its.

Somalia: Al-Shabaab planning offensive?

[The following update, titled Al-Shabaab planning another Ramadan offensive?, is from A Week in the.

[Excerpts] UN report confirms Eritrea-ONLF-Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union link

Highlight: In 2006, following the seizure of Mogadishu by the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC),.

UN report: Eritrea plotted to ‘make Addis Ababa like Baghdad’

UN confirmed Eritrea plotted to attack an African Union summit in Ethiopia in January and.

UN Security Council Resolution 1907-2009 | on Eritrea

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1907 Adopted by the Security Council at its 6254th meeting,.

Only 44% aid received, as Oct. rains likely to fail: Ethiopian Gov’t says

Highlights: Ethiopia has received about 44 percent of the amount for which it appealed. In.