A leaked legislative document shows Oromia region is pushing for extensive rights in the capital city Addis Ababa. The draft proclamation to determine Oromia’s special interest in Addis Ababa was reportedly developed and tabled by Oromia regional state about two months ago.
The draft legislation is intended to determine the application of Article 49 (5) of the Constitution. The Constitution recognizes the Oromia’s special interest in Addis Ababa.
The implementation of the Constitutional provision was among the major agenda of the protests in Oromia last year. The federal and the regional governments pledged to translate Oromia’s special interest in Addis Ababa into effect within the year.

According to sources in the government, the draft legislation was prepared and tabled by Oromia’s ruling party OPDO/EPRDF to the federal leadership about two months ago.
There hasn’t been much progress on the matter as it was met with strong objections, insiders claim. The document which was being circulated among officials for weeks have surfaced in the public arena.
Here is HornAffairs’ summary of the draft legislation (please give credit to HornAffairs if you copy this summary):
* The official name of the city shall be Finfine/Addis Ababa.
* The city boundary shall be determined by a mutual agreement of the city administration and Oromia state government. The demarcation shall be completed within 6 months of the enactment of this proclamation.
* Afaan Oromo shall become “the working and official language” of Addis Ababa along with Amharic.
* This proclamation shall not limit the general statements of Article 49 (5) of the Constitution regarding Oromia’s special interest in Addis Ababa.
* Oromo residents of the city shall be entitled to the right to self-determination.
* Oromo residents shall be entitled to 25% of the city council, besides to their representation as residents of the city.
* Oromia shall have criminal jurisdiction on crimes committed “within the premises of and on the affairs of Oromia governmental and public institutions” in Addis Ababa and the right to detain and prosecute suspects of crimes committed in Oromia who flee to the city.
* Oromia government will have the right to obtain adequate land, free of lease payment, in any section of the city for the construction of offices and facilities for governmental, public and development associations and other historical, cultural, social and economic purposes.
* Officials and employees of Oromia as well as Oromo residents shall have “15% priority” to buy or rent condominium housing provided by the City Administration.
* Oromia government and Oromo residents in the city shall have priority right to use “public squares, centers, halls, stadiums, etc.”
* The city shall establish schools that provide education in Oromo language for Oromo residents of the city.
* The city shall provide various services for communities living in the surrounding Oromia districts.
* The historic names of various parts of the city shall be restored.
* The city administration shall ensure Oromo history and heroes are commemorated in the naming of government buildings, public squares, roads, airports, villages and the likes.
* The city administration shall allot airtime for Oromo language programs in its television and radio services
* The city administration shall educate the public to know and acknowledge Oromo’s historic ownership of and forced dispossession from Addis Ababa.
* The city shall pay compensation, at market price rate, when it evicts Oromos from lands within the city and resettle them within the same vicinity.
* The city administration may utilize raw materials for housing, industry and factories as well as other natural resources from Oromia.
* Market places shall be provided free of lease payment for farmers and cooperatives from Oromia.
* The city administration shall implement affirmative actions to attain fair wealth distribution between the indigenous Oromo population and the majority population residing in the city.
* The city administration shall prevent or minimize the dumping of waste to Oromia. The city shall compensate for any harm to human, animals and land as well as pollution to the environmental and air.
* Oromia government have the right to propose and be consulted on draft policies, plans and draft legislations pertinent to Oromo residents of the city and the relationship between the city and Oromia.
* Oromia government have the right to propose amendments to this proclamation. The House of People Representative and the Council of Ministers shall consult the Oromia before issuing an amendment to this proclamation or a regulation to implement this proclamation.
* The consent of both the city council and the Joint Council for any policy, plan or legislation affecting the rights and interests of the region and Oromo residents.
Oromo National Council
* Oromo National Council shall be established elected by Oromo residents of the city
* The Oromo National Council will enact laws policies and laws to preserve and promote Oromo language, culture and history as well as for the revival of the historic names of localities in the city.
* The Oromo National Council nominates the Mayor and the representatives of Oromos in the Cabinet.
* The city administration shall implement the decisions of the Oromo National Council
Joint Council
*A Joint Council consisting 22 representatives of Oromia government or the Oromo National Council and 22 representatives from the City administration shall be established. The former group elects the chairperson of the Joint Council, the latter elects the deputy.
* The joint Council will be mandated with the supervision and implementation of the laws enacted regarding Oromia’s special interest on Addis Ababa.
* The Joint Council shall supervise the implementation of this proclamation and the policies, plans and legislations of the City Council and the Oromo National Council.
* It supervises the provision of education in Oromo language and the protection of the rights of Oromos evicted due to development works in the city.
* Any decision by any authority contradicting the decision of the Joint Council regarding Oromia’s special interests shall have no effect.
* The House of Peoples Representatives and the Oromia regional Council of Representatives shall supervise the implementation of this proclamation and subsidiary laws
* The Council of Ministers and the Oromia regional government shall have the authority to monitor and assist the proper implementation of this proclamation and subsidiary legislations.
* The Council of Ministers may issue subsidiary legislations. The Oromo National Council and the City Council may issue subsidiary legislations for the implementation of this proclamation.
Update: You may read Official draft law on Oromia’s special interest in Addis Ababa (Abridged translation)
Don’t forget that Oromos also would like to have a center for modernizing its culture, language,history,identity, etc.
Inasmuch as others wish to protect their rights, so do Oromos. Thus, Oromos need also to be consulted on the draft if it to be genuine
Oromom Hizb New – Eneredaw.
First of all I have a big doubt of the truth of this document….if true what a shame for those who it unless they lost the minimum of the human common sense…i have a feeling that I m in the racist South Africa regime during the apartheid or during Hitler Nazi regime..i m a half Oromo but it would be a deep shame if I dare claiming the slightest right in Addis as an Oromo!!!! My claim should be based on my intelligence not based on my blood!!!
As one recall about history where were the Oromo people before Gragn war…just confined in the South !! Hence do we have other Ethiopians the right to claim absurd rights over Oromos on 80% of the present Oromia???
Shame on those who draft this..if once again true
all our talking and writing should not be based on our feelings. But it should be based on historical facts. What is this fact. Before the conquering of Addis Ababa by minilik, the land was occupied by Oromos. Then minilik killed and arrest thousands of oromos from their land. We are not asking you for compensation for the lost and tortured oromo life. but what oromo asking is for his right of administering the land. Is it not fair? Do oromos asking unfair question? are the indicated facts false?I have a lot to say but I do not want to say any thing more than this . Brothers what i would like to advise you is that please do not give suggestions based on your feelings. But on facts.
May God bless Ethiopia.
Addis Abeba remains for ever and for last for The Amara peaple. Becouse they founded it before 134 years ago by King Minilk And Queen Taitu when Oromo migration was not Expanded accrose to Ethiopia. So that oromo peaple has no especial right on Addis Abeba in Every Thing.
You nailed it ! Thank you !
This is not negotiation,rather claiming ownership. They are trying to snatch Addis Ababa in the name of oromia regional state special rights which is being enshrined in the constitution . Again, they are negotiating as if they are independent sovereign country not as regional state that why, they are keep saying Oromia than oromia regional state.
Moreover, they don’t give a slice respect to Addis Ababa residents ownership right over Addis Ababa which is already a constitution right to Addis Ababians. The destiny of Addis Ababa shell be determine by all Ethiopians particularly residents of the city. Therefore, all Ethiopians must be consulted and given opportunity to express their opinion publicly. Whatever Addis Ababa has owned so far belongs to Ethiopians. We all are Ethiopians ,at least by citizenship, as a result, we all must have equal right to own property. But, the Oroma are demanding special right to dominate fellow non-oroma Ethiopians. They are saying, they will have priority in every single economic, social and political benefit over other Ethiopians in the city and in Oromia state. Is this equality?
To me, the draft documents clearly demonstrates what the Oromos are aiming for, and what their intention looks like.This is good snapshot next to the so called Oromia economic revolution that was aired couple of months ago that to understand what’s going on in the mind of Oromos lead by OPDO. They are planning to dominate and subjugate Ethiopians- What an ill intention!!!!.
It seems to me that this draft legislation is planned to subdue Ethiopian residing in Addis to Oromos, and to make other Ethiopians to feel as if they are living in foreign country.
In short, according to this daft, all non-oromo Ethiopians are equal but not Oromos. This means Oromos will have upper hand right over non-oromo Ethiopians in Addis Ababa and Oromia regional state. So, this will open another window to other Ethiopians to due the same thing so that Oromo will not have equal right as other Ethiopians to own property in other part of Ethiopia. As a result, Ethiopia will be break up in the near future.
Addis Ababa is the ONLY thing all Ethiopians have in common. The rest territory is already allocated to ethinc groups like a ration food.If the city is given to a particular ethnic group, we do not have a reason to live as Ethiopians.
Hi Editor,
How do I know whether this supposedly leaked document is authentic or part of the overall sort of disinformation and misinformation the Ethiopian social media has fallen prey to? Can I believe you? If yes, why should I believe you about the authenticity of draft proclamation? If the draft was tabled by the OPDO, how did the other members of the coalition of ethno-nationalists within the self-styled EPRDF react to its content? If what you posted is true, I guess you must more to inform your audience about this. Just provide a brief description without mentioning how and from whom you got the document.
Addis Ababa is a land that was forcibly taken away from the Oromos. Instead of properly compensating them they were brutally butchered by Menelik. “Yewega biresa yetewega ayresam”. Now, all they want is recognition of their rights to compensation and so on. It is a draft article only at this moment. Everything is negotiable. I say, they definitely have a case.
This smells OLF. And the first step to take over Adiss Ababa from all Ethiopians including Oromos and make it only for oromos who have OLF trait. Adiss is Addis not because the land is found in Oromia, it is because of heavy investments and hard work of all Ethiopians. Drafting such kind of law is purely racist and destructive and it should not be approved with out consent of all regional states and Adiss Ababa resident. Adiss Ababa belong all Ethiopians and Africans. In every sentece of the draft resolution there are traces of OLF and Jawar. Aynachihu chefinu enamognachihu yimeslal negeru.
Am I reading a fake news? I hope I am dreaming. Where is the country heading?
I can’t even express my feeling!!!!!.