With the Britain deciding to leave the European Union (a.k.a. Brexit), the globalization agenda of a centralized control of world’s wealth, finance, labor, services, knowledge, and political power by very few multinational corporations faced its first substantial defeat since its birth at the Washington Consensus in the early 1990s.
Since its birth, globalization first devastated developing countries through its structural adjustment programs. Now its burn marks are all over the map. It left millions of American workers without jobs in the industrial Midwest destroying families and bankrupting major American cities.
Globalization opened Africa for the third round (the first two being slavery and colonization) of dispossession of millions of African farmers of their arable land, extractive resources, and fresh waters mainly by global food producing and food processing multinationals, directly and through their local satellite companies. (Arable land and freshwaters are hot commodities global multinationals could buy with a penny from their African political toys.)

The eviction of millions of Oromo and other Ethiopian farmers from their ancestral land in the name of industrial parks development for global multinationals, and large scale farming for global multinationals or their domestic satellite companies are part of the evil deeds of this global globalization agenda.
In the political sense, globalization in its current form denies people political self-administration by taking away the national political control of their destiny and destabilizing the social contract theory of government. Governments, particularly in developing countries, are dependent on funding from global multinationals instead of tax collected from their citizens, making these governments answerable and accountable to the multinational corporations instead of their citizens.
Globalization makes government and government officials’ commodities multinational companies could buy and sell in a political marketplace. The government of the people by the people for the people is gone. Globalization changed it into “the government of the corporations by the corporations for the corporations.” (You heard Mitt Romney say, “Corporations are people, my friend.”)
Globalization in its current form is likely to destroy languages, cultures, and social values of the weaker nations by replacing it with the dominant languages and cultures of the home states of global multinationals.
Globalization, as it stands now, is likely to create more conflict, political instability, uncertainty and total loss of hope for the majority of the world’s working masses while enriching few multinationals and their political toys.
Unless globalization becomes human-centered instead of corporation centered as it is now, sooner or later, the people around the world will certainly start to fight back. The large-scale global protests against globalization that was muted after 9/11 is coming back in the form of protest votes all over the world.
The appeal of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the United States presidential campaigns, the months long #OromoProtests in Ethiopia, and the Brexit episode in Europe are all different forms of push back against the global multinational corporations’ tyranny and greed, however far apart and unrelated they may look.
Ethiopia’s takeaway from the Brexit, I think, is this. Ethiopia’s continuity as a nation, without having the problem of #OroExit (Oromo exit), #TigExit(Tigrai Exit) and #AmExit(Amhara exit), exclusively rests on creating people-centered and inclusive political-economy development model instead of building a house of cards for very few well-connected individuals and corporations that certainly will collapse tomorrow.
Wel said this is by far a new idea that has to get great account.
Ebaakachihu yewoyaane sira yemataliya mengedi ketilowa zaremi yesidama hizibi lemataleli yesidama zemeni melewoca fichee chambalalani bewoyane agezazi zemeni yetefeterena sidama hizibini lemamogneti beyunisiko yealemi qirisi adirige assimezegibikihi lealemi bahilihini assawokulihi billimi yihi kiburi yesidama mataleyawuni indemayikebelewu dekimomi bihooni kentu dikaami meehoonuni ligelitsilachihu iwodalehu sidama habbitu fichee chambalaala bicha ayidelemi mejemeriya sidama nebere bealemi metawoqi alebeti sidama yalitawoqebeti alemi fichee chambalala assitawoqihuhi maleeti yikuumi sidama bewoyane zemeni yetefetere ayidelemi sidama ethiopia ayidelemi kuushi newu habesha ayidelemi kuushi yeraasu seera yaalewu kiburi manineti yalewu mehonuni yetariki balebetochi yawuqaalu kuushina habesha tariki yemayigenagni tewu atataalilu atitalelu sidama baleaimiro mehonuni ayidelemi bariya woyane meriwochina telaakiwochi hodi yaderi tarikuni 1882 kingdom of sidama bilachihu bilachihu teredu lemetichiluti mini largilachihu¡
Daniel Afework: I do not know why you rush for comment. If you know about Oromo people questions you may not comment the author about this issue. Just for your information the author of this article knows much more about the Oromoptotest and to be sure please check his Facebook page. He posted a lot of important information about the question of Oromoptotest.
To add more the main question of Oromo people is the Land owner can not be the security guard for the investor that invested on his own land. So if you know globalization investors buy the poor African farmer land and make the farmer laborer on his own land investment. Technically it is the other form of slavery.