The late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was laid to rest on St. Trinity cathedral Church yesterday (Sunday, Sept. 2) in an official ceremony that last until 4 pm.

Here are the images of his grave taken by this blogger minutes after the burial – between 3:30 to 3:45 pm.


Please note that the following photos are copyright protected.

You may free to copy, distribute and publish these photo with out any modifications and only with credit to Daniel Berhane or Danielberhane’s Blog. (This restriction applies to versions these photos you might find on social media.)


Meles Zenawi's grave 8


Meles Zenawi's grave 7


Meles Zenawi's grave 6


Meles Zenawi's Grave 5


Meles Zenawi's Grave 4


Meles Zenawi's Grave 3


Meles Zenawi's Grave


Check the Meles Zenawi archive for related posts.

Daniel Berhane

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