Do you know an anonymous donor pledged that ‘a child will receive a warm meal’ if you take a short quiz on WFP website?
There are nine more ways, listed below, that you can help the hungry in the Horn of Africa and the famine in Somalia.
The following list was originally posted on World Food Program website on July 22, 2011.
1. Make an online donation
Over the coming weeks, WFP will feed more people across the Horn of Africa than live in Los Angeles. That’s a big job. Making a secure online donation is one of the best ways you can help us get it done. Donate now.
2. Donate by text message
Don’t have a credit card? No problem. If you live in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom, you can also donate by text message. Here’s how:
- For the US, text the word AID to this number: 27722 to donate $10.
- For Canada, text the word RELIEF to this number: 45678 to donate $5.
- For the UK, text the word AID to this number: 70303 to donate £3.
3. Take the quiz
How much do you know about what’s going on in the Horn of Africa? Find out by taking this short quiz. For every person who takes it, a child will receive a warm meal thanks to an anonymous donor. Put your knowledge to the test and then challenge your friends! Take the quiz
4. Share this video
It’s less than one minute long and will give you a good idea of the situation in the Horn of Africa and what WFP is doing about it. After you’ve seen it make sure all of your friends see it as well. Watch the video
5. Stay current
Thousands of people are on the move across Somalia and WFP is rapidly scaling up its operations in the region. Keep track of developments at our crisis page, where you’ll find the latest news and updates plus photos, videos and stories from the field. Go to Crisis Page
6. Get social
The world needs to know about what’s going on in the Horn of Africa and that starts with your friends on Facebook, your followers on Twitter, your subscribers on YouTube etc. Join our online communities and share the message with your friends and followers. Facebook | Twitter | Youtube
7. Grab a banner
Are you a blogger? Go check out our collection of banners and then put one on your site. Make sure that the people who come to your blog know what it’s for. If you don’t write a blog yourself, send this link around to the bloggers you like to read and tell them what to do.Grab a banner
8. Get these ads published
Contact your local newspaper and ask them to publish one of our print ads. Make sure they know that you think this is the single most important story in the news right now. See the print ads
9. Be creative
There are hundreds of things ordinary people can do to help our operations in the Horn of Africa. Taking up a collection at school or holding a neighbourhood fundraiser are just a few of things are supporters have done to help feed the hungry. If you need some inspiration, find out what 9-year-old Emily did last year to help people left homeless by flooding in Pakistan. Read the story
10. Keep us posted
We want to know what you’re doing to raise money and awareness to help us do our work. You can write to us at, get in touch with us on Twitter at @WFP or post a comment on our Facebook page.
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