Unity for Democracy and Justice Party (UDJP, a.k.a. Andinet) confirmed Bertukan Mideksa resigned from her post as chairman of the party.
The party leadership was so far unwilling to recognize Bertukan Mideksa’s resignation on procedural grounds, since she submitted her decision to the chairman of the ‘reconciliation committee – which is engaged with the unlikely task of negotiating UDJP’s leadership with its breakaway faction led by Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam.
Bertukan Mideksa notified her intentions to Negaso Gidada(PhD), first dep/chairman of UDJP, when the two met in Addis a day before her departure to Unite States, according to report by Ethiopian-reporter yesterday.
Bertukan Mideksa intends to abstain from ‘political activities’ during her stay in United States, Negaso told Ethiopian-Reporter.
Bertukan’s also pledged to return to Ethiopia on the end of her two years long educational stay in the US.

You may read previous posts about Birtukan Mideksa.