Eighteen Su-30K fighter jets that India returned to Russia, probably will not be sold to Vietnam, but instead is Ethiopia.
Deputy Group Director arms exporter Rosoboron Export, Alexander Mikheyev, said that Russia is negotiating to supply 18 Su-30K fighters to Ethiopia.
Eighteen multipurpose fighters were returned to India to replace the Russian fighter Su-30MKI is newer.
“We are in consultation with Ethiopia for the supply of the fighter. They have proposed a variant to modernize, enhance combat capability as well as the specification and provide additional tactics the rocket – to – land/sea more advanced,” said Mikheyev said.
The Rosoboronexport officials also stressed that, at present, four Su-30K first being repaired at a local aircraft factory.
“Just got the proposal from customers and financial resources, we are ready to upgrade and modernize all 18 Su-30K aircraft within 4-6 months,” he said Mikheyev.
Complete 18 Su-30K aircraft the IAF was not used in 10 years time, then returned to Russia. This aircraft was delivered to some 5 factories in Belarus to repair and upgrade, before being sold to 3rd party without giving back to Russia to avoid import taxes.
There has been much speculation about the fate of 18 Su-30K and its destination. There has been news that Belarus wants to buy the whole lot and that Russian planes do not extend credit to them (Belarus) to purchase the Group’s Irkut aircraft, then, a few other sources revealed that customer Nan is Vietnam after Vietnam military mission sent to check out a few planes.
Since then, no further information about the fate of this 18 Su-30K. However, the recent disclosure of Rosoboronexport Deputy Director General that Vietnam will not be a customer of 18 Su-30K aircraft, may be negotiated by the two parties, but does not meet requirements of each other, or maybe, Vietnam will not buy old planes instead is buying new aircraft Su-30 at a point.
Source: Baodatviet (Vietnam) – July 3, 2013.
Excuse me guy’s :- plz don’t forget that Egypt was ranked by the global fire power 2013 No 14 on the world and next to Israel No 13 so plz tack care ??? hahahaha
i liked it
this is how people should use internet…. impressive discussion, beautiful ideas —
I hope there is someone out there in the Eth. gov. reading this
Dear The above sms that fit the recently declaration of ODF
TO Lencho Leta
Koldaa(Ilkaan gara Raasa Dabe)
“No matter what happens, always be yourself”
By Guri Yasyas
It is working now for ODF that created by nonsense Lencho
A certain O.P.D.O of a Woyyane had to learn that lesson the hard way. She /he longed to be a singer. But her/his face was her/his misfortune .O.P.D.O had a large mouth and protruding buck teeth. When O.P.D.O first sang in public in Woyyane night club O.P.D.O tried to pull down her upper lip to cover her teeth. O.P.D.O tried to act “glamorous”. The result?. O.P.D.O made itself ridiculous.
However, there was a man in this night club who heard the O.P.D.O sing and thought she had talent. “See here”, he said bluntly, “I’ve been watching your performance and I know what it is you are trying to hide. You are ashamed of your teeth”. The O.P.D.O was embarrassed, but the man continued “what of it? Is there any particular crime in having buck teeth? Don’t try to hide them! Open your mouth
O.P.D.O waste 21 years worrying b/c to be like Woyyane. The science of genetics informs us that you are what you are largely as a result of 24 chromosomes contributed by your father and 24 chromosomes contributed by your mother. These 48 chromosomes comprise everything that determines what you inherit. In each chromosome of O.P.D.O there be, says Meles Zenawi
Even after O.P.D.O mother and father (T.P.L.F) met and mated, there was only one chance in 300,000 million that the person who is specifically O.P.D.O would be born! In other words, if you had 300,000million brothers and sisters, they might have all been different from O.P.D.O.If you like to read more about it, go to your Woyyane library and borrow a book entitled O.P.D.O and T.P.L.F, by Meles Zenawi
I can talk with conviction about this subject of being yourself b/c I feel deeply about it. I know what I, am talking about. I know from bitter and costly experience.
Be Waaqeffataa Of Oromo which makes Oromo One
Oromo Guri Yasyas
Dear M Amanuel plse woyyaane are wind that careless you can find any where
Dear Amanuel
Daniel Only To frustrate Egypt In Proxy Of His kin Ship Still that post daniel go home he didn’t bring any post real appreciate your status and comment given by you
Who is funding you to fight Gizie yestew kil? Do you know these guys are capable of tracking your location?
Daniel- My last question and post: Where is the resent $11 billion dollar that just all of a sudden vanished from the Central Bank of Ethiopia?. Did it happen without the knowledge of the TLF and its leaders and or the leading Secret Service agents who are also from Tigray?
These is not only corraption but a day time robbery by Azeb Mesfin and other top TLF party leadears. While mentioning about the TLF’s Tsye Abrha, his brother and Generals Robery during and immidiately after the war aganist Eritrea, all the same you are deaf and mute about the huge amount of money robbed by the leading TLF leaders within the EPRDF. Or are you claiming that The Southern Peoples Nations and Nationalities, The Amara’s, The Oromo’s and or the Afar’s that were behind all the grand roberies for the last 22 years?
Similarly you did not comment about so many other issues including the illegal occupation of huge and fertile Amara territories from Bege Midir (Gonder) and Northern Wello by TPLF which
M Amanuel L
Daniel- I think there is a misunderstanding here. First, I am not in anyway advocating South Korea’s millitary or any millitary officials for that mater to determine the country future but the fact in the ground. Second, I am also very much aware of what the then Seye Abraha, his brother and other Generals did after Shabia’s aggression was over by the late PM’s decission not to enter Asmera. If you raise this question then why did’t you raise the question of corraption then why didn’t you raise from where the undisclosed hunderds of millions of dollars or maybe even billions that the late PM’s wife is in charge of under the name the endowment fund for Tigray? Why did,t you raise the question of the 14-story African Union Grand Hotel, whose architect is Simon Barakat Architects- Where did the money came from? Everything indicates that the technocrats and politicians in leadership possition of the TLF have been accumilating wealth for the last 22 years which has been benifiting exclussively themselves and Tigray.
All I was trying to say was that having a multiparty system or holding parliamentary and PM or Presidential elections have both historically and in the conteporary world proved to be not only a failure but has led the dominating majority of the illitrate and poor people into abjuct poverty as I mentioned Ghana with a huge income from crude oil export as exampple and hence it is not necessarly elections every 4 or 5 years that lift the people out of illitracy and poverty. Furthermore, I have also mentioned the sucess story of China. China with a one party system which was a poor agrarian country has transformed itself within 30 years to the worlds largest economy and if the econoimy is going to continue growing even at half numbers than today, then China will definately be the first largest economy in the world within the coming 25 to 30 years. I expect you know that the U.S.A still owe China $15 trillion plus interest.
As far as Samsung is concerned Samsung Techwin is a surveillance, aeronautics, opteoelectronic, automations and weapons technology company and It is a subsidiary of Samsung Group which was founded in 1977 while South Korea was still ruled by the millitary. Here again I am not arguing if they have enriched themselves by stealing the countries wealth because I don’t know, maybe they have maybe they haven’t. But certainely illitracy, housing, electricity, clean drinkable water, health care system and modern education was already established while South Korea was still ruled by Generals till 1980’s.
And, by 1980’s when Japan was not willing to cooperate with South Korea on Camera lens technology and transfer of technology, Soth Korea in Cooperation with General Electrics started producing and exporting cameras to European markets challenging Japan and by 1997-2009 already compiting directely with Japans camera industry. In technical cooperation with General Electric, it started manufacturing Jet engines for Korean aircraft in 1980. In 1996 it began selling digital cameras branded as Samsung Kenox in 1997 and the same year, it made the first KF-16 fighter jet in Soth Korea. Samsung Android cell phones today are selling better than Japans Sony weather we like it or not. Concerning the index that you presented I am not aware of it and so I can not comment about it. In technical cooperation with General Electric, it started manufacturing Jet engines for Korean aircraft in 1980. In 1996 it began selling digital cameras branded as Samsung Kenox in 1997 and the same year, it made the first KF-16 fighter jet in Soth Korea.
The conclusion I wanted to make and I am trying to present is that opposition groups like Gingot 7 of Berhanu Nega and his followers and with their OLF allience on the one hand advocating for ”democracy” and on the other hand advocating violence and religious divisions and supporting fundamentalist Islamists in his speach and interview where Berhanu is also seems to be obssed with the example of Ghana about which I have presented the fact above is not going to benifit the Ethioopian people.
I also want to repeat the same thing that multiparty system and or holding elections every 4-5 years has been proven to be a condicio sine qua non of democracy and civilisation.
So please do not cherry pick certain phrases out of my post and accuse me unjustely.
Now I am done and I am not going to go back and forth with these issues raised from the begning to the present. I will read your other publications in the future and leave the issues I wrote in this blog for readers to check out the facts for themselves.
Thank you
M AmanuelL
Amanuel, South Korea wasn’t challenging Japan 20 to 30 years. Even currently, South K economy is ranked 15th by its nominal GDP in the world.
Advocating for few military officials to determine the country future is totally an acceptable. 90 million Ethiopians think better than some corrupted officials.
Do you know what some generals did in Ethio-Erirtrea war.?The public including poor Ethiopian farmers donated money and cattles to defend our country from Shabia aggression, but few corrupted generals invested the donation for themselves. So, please don’t encourage a system of corruption.
Dictatorship is not a solutions for development by any means! Main examples Eritrea, Cuba, Pakistan…
As I said above in addition to the example I gave about South Korea, The Peoples Republic of China which was a poor agrrarian country with one party system has become the second largest economy in the world and if the economic growth continues, which it probably will then China is going to pass the U.S.A itself and become the first largest economy in the world.
Parliamentary democracy and voting every 4 or five years like in Ghana, Nogeria and verry many developing countries but as well as in developed countries has time and again proved itself to be condicio sine qua non of civilisation and democracy. One don’t need to be a nuclear physist to compare the accumilated facts of the past historical facts and contemporary events and make the right conclusion.
Going back to the main issue of stregthning the Ethiopian millitary forces not only if attacked to defend but also unleash hell on earth on the enemies infrastructure and economy of the aggressor which is a solemn national and patriotic obligation of the Ethiopian government.
Finally I want to urge The Ethiopian government not to buy the 18 suhoi 30K’s which are not only an upgrade of Su- 27’s but also have been used with flight kilometers (unknown) and parked and standing idle for 10 years rusting which are useful only in the scrap metal industry.
Thank you Mr Daniel Berhane
M.Amanuel L
One more last but extremely important issue: South Korea was ruled by millitary Generals in civilian clothes fro the end of the war in 1950’s till 1984. It only became a multiparty system with a free and fair election only some 28-30 tears ago. By then when the multiparty system and election was held for the first time in South Koreas post war history, the country was highely industrialised and already challenging Japan in making cameras and other machineries and illiteracy, poverty was totally abolished. The people had proper housing, electricity, medical care, clean drinkable water and themodern communication infrastructure.
On the other hand China an agrarian and poor country has transformed itself to the second largest and strongesdt economy in the world with a one party system. At the end of the day every 4 or 5 years voting and or a multi party system is not necessarly the solution for develpment and well being of any country. In fact at times parliamentary “democracy” is a si quo non of civilisation.
Thank you
M.Amanuel L
Sorry! correction Partly excists in Canada but is an established practice in Norway, Sweeden, Denmark and Finland.
Thank you
M Amanuel L
Kemela- About Ginbot 7 (ALEJE) or the so called movment for justice, freedom and democracy.
Allow me Mr Daniel Berhane to reply to Kemela’s question.
Now I have done my homework and can reply to your irrelevevant comparisin and opinion
1. I found out from the official web site of Ginbot 7 that Berhanu Nega who was the member of Kinijit in 1997 and was running for election is the chairman of this organisation ridiculously called the movment for justce, freedom and democracy. Berhanu Nega is in the first place a U.S citizen and must never be allowed and will never have any place in any political post in Ethiopia. In fact the Ethiopian government must declare that this this thug must be given a persona non grata status tha same way as Kemal Geltu. He is not only a bigot but is also a bought agent and dog for the Eritrean regim and personally for Isayass where Berhanu has admited recieving $500.000 from Isayass. According to knowladgable person he and his ally the former general Kemal Geltu who defected with some 187 soldiers to Eritrea according to July. 21 2012 Communique of ALEJE & this yet new OLFhave consollidated allience.
1. Democracy: Let us begin with the opinion of Berhanu Nega in 1997. He was of the oppinion that there must be a privatisation of land, Banks, Hydropowerplants etc. Well it seems that Adam Smith theory is his bible. What is his plan for the dominating Ethipians who are freed from chattle slavery in Ethiopia? If land is going to be fully privatised then without a shadow of a doubt the dominating majority of Ethiopians are going back to servitude and chattle slavery and two it will definately trigger not only malnutration but also will definately lead the country into another cycle of famine. He has been been scapegoating Amaras for the all the injustice in the past. Whereas the the fact of the matter is Amaras were scapegoated and crucified for the unjust done by others. Hailesselassie was by any standard not an Amara, his mother was the daughter of Ali Aba Jiffar of Wellega an Oromo and his father Mekonen was only on his grandfathers side half Amara and half Oromo. As far as the ministers, governores, mayors are concerned the dominating majority were Oromo’s with Amara name, but there were Eritreans, Tigryans, Amaras, Wellaita’s where the desicion making power always rested on the kings decissions and his selected advisors who were exclussively Oromo origin with Amara names. Here I want to raise a very immportant issue that why do the majority Ethiopians including Berhanu Nega who is a Welaita from Sodo town has an Amara name? And why do Oromos, Tigryans, Wellaitans and others from the Southern peoples Nation and Nationalities still today continue to give their children Amara names?. Amaras never had and certainely no authority to impose on all the different ethnic groups to adapt Amara names. Or do they?
In an interview with ESAT ”TIKURET” Berhanu Nega eiother deliberately or out of iggnorance is talking about individual right and individual freedom, ”democracy”, religioous issues and violence but also argues how democracy works in Ghana.
Let us start fro Ghana. Either Berhanu is a habitual liar or is ignorant of the situation in the ground in Ghana today. In Ghana when Air Force pilot Jerry Rollings took power by coup de etet because Ghana was becoming much more corrupted even worse than Nigeria, he told the people that he is not interseted in staying in power but rather wants to held a referendum on multiple issues among others what the people want? A multiparty system or a one part sytem, Capitalism with private ownership, a Social Democratic path or Socialism?. The people held a referendum and the result was: 1. They voted for a multi-party system and a mixed type of economy (similar to Social Democratic style like in Scandinavian countries) with a free right for small and medium sized enterprizes. Then Jerry Rollings unlike many military dictators kept his word and told the people to organise under any party system they want to. Election was held within a year and a free and fair election Jerry Rollings party won and according to the constitution drafted he served two terms and in the third election he handed over power to Kufuor who won the election. During the same period oil was discovered in Ghana and corruption became once again rampant. In fact it get worse when power again in a free and fair election transfered to Proffessor Millis Ghana became as corrupt as Nigeria with no significant Infrastructure getting built in the country and situation today after the death of Mills who was constitutionally replaced by his vice President J. Maheme 1% of the Ghanian elite has become so reach that there already who own private jets whereas the situation for the majority of the population became worse than then when Jerry Rollings was the president og´f Ghana without any oil reveniew. Today the 99% Ghanians live in abject poverty with no electricity, decent communication infrastructure, without any health coverage, schools or decent housding etc. Etc.Needless to mention Kemal Geltu even Birhanu Nega either purposely confussing the layman Ethiopians or becuse he has remained a natural born liar still today talks (ESAT TIKURET) interview about individual right type of democracy where if the individual have the rights he/she is also have obligations. Which means he is actually talking about a democracic form of governance of Individual Right and Individual Obligation in other words a developed form of democracy what is also known by the name Constitutional Democracy. This type of a develop form of democracy exist partly in Canada, Norway, Sweeden and Denmark. It took this countries to reach this goal almost 78 years. Individual right and individual obligation means that each and every individual has the right for decent housing, clean dribkable water, 24 hours a day and throughout the year electricity, medical service (from vaccination to free kindergarten) and school/ University education, Compensation salery if all of a sudden loose their jobs, social security finances for those who can’t afford to buy or rent a place to live, financial assistance not only for medical service but the cost for drugs as well as assistance if they are dependent on smoking cigarette, medical assistance and rehabilitation programm if they are drug addicts etc.etc. Etc…
Such a democratic process takes time. But if he is serious while giving Ghana as an example then only casting votes every four or five years certainely has proved to be not only undemocratic but also retrogrde regression.
In Britain Wemen were allowed to cast their vote for the first time in 1921.
Even if we concider about voting rights. It was in 1965 that Dr. Martin Luter King Jr. Mounts a voter registration drive in Selma, Alabama, to draw national attention to African-American voting rights. In 1965 The voting rights Act protects the rights of minority voters and the Act is expanded and renewed in 1970, 1975, and 1982. But still today even in the last election the Sate of Florida by manupilating and presenting irrelevant arguements hindered districts with majority African-American population from voting and the samething happened when George W. Bush run aganis Al Gore though a little bit with different manipulations and tactics.
2. Birhanu without even mentioning that politicacs and religion are separate by the constitution all the same is supporting those that were trying to escalate the tense situation financed by his indirect masters the Saudi’s in an attempt to create a salafist Islamic brotherhood type of sunni fanaticas he continues to support their cause in an attempt to create unrest and violence. Even Sheik Muhammed Al Amoudi who is a Saudi citizen (also an Ethiopian citizen) have said repeatedely that Ethiopia is a country of religious tolerance. But then came dogs of war and unrest who wanted to enrich themselves that started cooperating with countries that bhave been the heriditary enemies of Ethiopia whose aspiration Birhanu and his party sympathizes.
3. Birhanu claims that majority of the fighters are from Tigray. Nonsence. The fact of the matter is in the Ethiopianj military operation those that are taken as prisonores of war were Eritreans and not Tigryans. Furthermore, if The alliance of Ginbot 7 ( ALEJE) Berhanu/his supporters and OLF Kemal Geltu and his followers assisted by their Arab masters and their dog Isayass. Just remember that Ethiopians have succefully crossed the border several times recentely and have sucessfully destroyed terrorist camps inside Eritrean territory which probably was a millitary campaign aganist these particular terrorist organisations of the allied ALEJE and OLF inside Eritrea.
M Amanuel L
Only stick and Breaks bone words nothing
Dear Daniell,
I completely agree with your comments. I was trying to show how the asymmetry is slightly minimising in the international network area to challenge the status quo.
Bekkuma – I did not even realise you made such a comment. Less I care that withdraw your comment. I am just a concerned Ethiopian for his motherland and I not interested in any position at all. I have my own profession and investments that keeps me very busy. I just happened to be on vaccation so rest assured that what interest me is what I do and contribute my share to The GERD and sometime soon God willing I want to invest together with a couple of multi millioner friends of mine in Ethiopia and we also intend to buy bonds not only for the GERD with no interset and we also are individually ready to continue doing the same as the Ethiopian government keeps its oath to realise and accomplish what the late PM Meles Zenawi has underlined and namely to build 4-5(?) more huge Dams in the course of Abay with a capacity of producing 4500-5000 MWt electricity.
Kemela- You are entitled to your oppinion but I still stick with my opinion. Ethiopia is struggling to make ends meet and the Ethiopian people MUST be the primary benificiaries of each and every achievment and must have the priority to get education, decent housing, clean drinkable water, health service/ care and electricity.
Ethiopia don’t own a damn thing to Somalia and Somalis on the contrary Somalis owe Ethiopians for bleeding blood of streems and rivers to defend Ethiopia from their centuries old aggressions which Ethiopians forgiving them have given them not only assylem and also this time have bledeed blood of rivers in an effort to stabilise their country and thus now since Somalia is getting stabilised they must return back and contribute to the stability and development of their country either volentarily or be deported. And or they have the choice to immigrate to Europe, America, Australia that is upto them. Somalis and Ethiopians can and hopefully will develop a lasting good/excellent and peaceful relationship in the future. That will be enough.
This will be my last response to both of you and civility and presenting once opinion in a rational, civilised and realistic way is important.
Thank you
M.Amanuel L
Bekkuma – I did not even realise you made such a comment. Less I care that withdraw your comment. I am just a concernen Ethiopian for his motherland and I not interested in any position at all.I have my own profession and investments that keeps me very busy. I just happened to be on vaccation so rest assured that what interest me is what I do and help sometime soon God willing I want to invest together a couple of multi millioner friend of mine in Ethiopia ans we intend to buy bonds for the GERD with no interset and we also are individually ready to continue doing the same as the Ethiopian government keeps its oath to realise and accomplish whta the late PM Meles Zenawi has underlined and namely build 4-5(?) more huge Dams with a capacity of producing 4500-5000 MWt electricity.
Kemela- You are entitled to your oppinion but I still stick with my opinion. Ethiopia is struggling to make ends meet and the Ethiopian people MUST be the primary benificiaries of each and every achievment and must have the priority to get education, decent housing, clean drinkable water, health service and care and electricity. Ethiopia don’t own a damn thing to Somalia and Somalis on the contrary Somalis own Ethiopians for bleeding blood of streems and rivers to defend Ethiopia from their centuries old aggressions which Ethiopians forgiving them have given them assylem and also this time have bledeed blood of vrivers in an effort to stabilise their country and thus now since Somalia is getting stabilised they must return back and contribute to the stability and development of their country either volentarily or be deported. And or they have the choice to immigrate to Europe, America, Australia that is upto them. Somalis and Ethiopians can and hopefully will develop a lasting good/excellent and peaceful relationship in the future. That will be enough.
This will be my last response to both of you and civility and presenting once opinion in a rational, civilised and realistic way is important.
Thank you
M.Amanuel L
Dear Amanuel,
Please let me to withdraw my comment, few days ago, to put you on an advisory position. I regret for misunderstanding your people skill.
I didn’t divert the topic. I am writing concise & to the point. I am not the one wrote several articles inside a discussion form.
Also, I am not the one jumping from $500k to suggested the deportation of our brothers Somalians, and blaming all countries in ME & west; Furthermore, I am not the one constantly insulting participates in this blog.
In future, please write to the point. Also, if someone asks you what ever questions answer or leave it. In 21C negativity, insulting and without a wisdom your high testosterone level will put in the Isayas’ situation. Thanks
Kemela- First of all the main topic of the discussion must focus based Mr. Daniel Berhane’s article in this particular blog. Each time you are diverting the discussion to new topics with your mishmash. I am not going to entertain your attempt to mislead and hijack the topic. The topic here is about Ethiopia,s defence. Furthermore, I don’t even know about your Ginbot 7, its leaders, its rules and regulations, its agenda and future economic and defence plans for Ethiopia. I suggest you rais the question in an appropriate forum and or discussion side that is raising your questions.
M Amanuel L
If TPLF’s tactical reason understandable, why not Gnbot7’s? Or just it’s double standard?
Or Do you believe wrong is wrong regardless of who does it?
I think if something wrong for Ginbot7, it should be the same for Tplf.
Look you are jumping from one subject to another. First you claimed and tried to spread misinformation that the late PM of Ethiopia Meles Zenawi has a somali passport which in effect means he was a Somali citzen. And now you are asking me if the TPLF or ANDF fought aganist the brutal fascist col. Mengistu with his bare hands?. Of course they did not fight with their bare hand but if I remember corrrecterly specially with communication equipments and some guns they were getting assistance from the U.S.A and also Eritrea. Now when I mentioned Eritrea you might immidiately jump into accusation that well Eritrea was assisted by our both in terms of military wepons and military communication radios by the hereditary enemies of Ethiopia the Arabs. Moreover I also know that Isayas got his military trainings in China, Iraq and Syria. But the majority of the weapons used by TPLF and specially weapons used by ANDFwere without any exceptions Dergs own wepons including military officers that defected with AK-47, heavy duty maschinguns and canons to ANDM. Now that is the news I got from relaible sources in the mid 1980’s. At the end of the day that what matters was that the reactionary and brutal Derg was overthrown and col. Mengistu has fled to Zimbabwe. What concerns the late PM of Ethiopia’s decission on making Ethiopia a land locked country and his brutal massacre of Shewa Amaras in particular and also the illegal grab of territories that belong to Amaras from Bege Midir (Gonder) and Wello is the only rancorI have concerning him and his government. What concerns the temporary alliance of TPLF with Isayass for tactical reason is understandable because the Derg among other brutalities was using massive Napalm bombing of Tigray. And while the Derg even was sending tea, sugar and food to Eritrean people was deliberately starving our brothers and sisters in Tigray. But again on the other hand Ethiopia was less equiped and weaker militarily at tha point in history than Eritrea to reject Eritreas occupation of the entire Red Sea coast. Ethiopian officials have made repeatedly the same kind of miscalculation and unpatriotic neglect which can amount to treason. The same way as they do now concning Egypt when it comes to the defence followed by a possible destructive offence. Ethiopia must be prepared not only to defend its territory and people but strengthen the Ethiopian Armed forces with such equipments and unleash hell on the enemies territory and its infrastructure that dare to attack our country.
Now I think we can continue to other subjercts.
M.Amanuel L
Amanuel, Are you saying late PM fought with Derg using his bare hand? Or Did he receive all kinds of help the countries you mentioned above?
Kemela- I don’t have any information about that. But I can tell you this and I don’t believe this disinformation BTW. The facts in the ground tells me that when pro Egypt American politicians were accusin the late PM Meles Zenawi of “misinformation just to get sypmathy from the west” It was the late PM by sending Ethiopian heroic forces to Somalia who mowed those who declared Jihad aganist Ethiopia and in the process by arresting some of the members of Al Shabab who admited that they are asffiliated with Al Quida followed by the arrest Egyts dogs of war from Eritrea and in the long run by presenting facts he achieved the diplomatic isolation of Eritrea followeed by several resolutions by the the U.N security councils declarations of sanctions aganist Eritrea isolating, weakning it but also by achieving the repeated resolutions that bans Eritrea from importing weapons.
Contrary to what you claim he has given too many Somalis a refugee status and also Ethiopian passports. Unfortunately as it is the case with Arabs where the family and first followers of the Arabian profet Muhammed were given protection and even rights to construct the first worship place or Mosque in Ethiopia. The Great Ethiopian peoples generocity and hospitality was taken as a weakness or evil intent. What did we get in return from the now hereditary enemies of Ethiopia: Saudi Arabia, Egypt; Iraq, Syria, Quatar etc etc…. sabotage, economical boycout, by using their oil resources a day to day propaganda of hate and lobby to isolate Ethiopia and deny her the possibility to get a loan including from the “World” Bank and IMF, destabilising Ethiopia by financing Eritrea and Somalia as well as internal enemies of the Ethiopian people like the OLF and ONLF. But still with their satanic dreams are hell bent to stabilise, weaken and possible defragment Ethiopia.
I hope one day soon Ethiopia will say Enough is Enopugh and deport all those Somalis in Ethiopia to whereever they want to go. Afterall, now Somalia is also getting stabilised, so why don’t they go back to rebuil their country? Furthermore why should Ethiopia spend millions of dollars to educate those Somalis and Arab origin in the country where all Ethiopians did not yet have the possibility to get education everywhere? With an ever growing population of Somalis and other Arabs in Ethiopia I just don’t see anything but problems. And so the sooner Ethiopia start the deportation process the better off will be Ethiopians in their own country.
M.Amanuel L
Did you know late PM Meles Zenawi used to use Somalia’s diplomatic passport?
Bazezew – Rest assred that I will keep my word. Also because my word is my bond. But if you don’t keep yours I hope Daniell though I am in his personal blog will also respect my rights to reflect back my opinion about your incoherent and not statments supported by facts in the ground where the case in point here is irrigation projects in the pipeline both in the affinity of Tekexe and Tana Beles for Sugar and food productions.
Thank you dear Ethiopians and I also want to thank Daniel for his blogs on different issues. I have been reading Danel Berhane’s Blog for many years.
Thank you for your dedication and hard wotk
Dear Bazezew Genanaw
This is also my last post concerning your oppinions on the issues I have raised and on issues you have responded. First of all I asked the question ”are you really Ethiopian” not because of your name but your statments. Second, The name Amanuel is not Eritrean, in Eritrea the Biblical name is written as Amanel. Furthermore, what I hate is what one plans and executes to harm Ethiopian and Ethiopia and not because of who he/she is or from where he/she is with an exception to the heriditary enemies of Ethiopia that have caused so much pain, sufferening and death. Also rest assured I am an Ethiopian from generations of brave and patriotic Ethiopians who have shade their blood in defence of the motherland.
Finally I think you seem to clarify yourself on the majority issues and in most cases you stood on the Ethiopian side than your previous in my opinion incoherent and generalising statments.
We finally agree that we are not afraid to say and implement that Ethiopia has got the right to use billions of cubic metre of water for irrigation for the development of our people
Bezazaw- when you say ”the reason why the US assisted Egypt is not to harm Ethiopia”. What is wrong with that?”. As I mentioned Senater John McCain with whom I fully agree on this issue and other several retired U.S Generals in Interviews I have watched who criticized the wrong policy of the Obama adminstration to send more sophisticated weaspons (F-16S and 200 Abram tanks among others), Yes there is everything damn wrong with the Obama administration of the U.S.A arming Egypt right after Egyptian politicians openly discussed not only on how to destabilise Ethiopia but also directely saying they have to bomb the Grand Ethiopian Dam.
Bezazaw-I did not say that Ethiopia’s international network/influence has increased, I just asked you back to clarify what has it benifited Ethiopia in terms of her future stability, peace and security.
I don’t exactely remember that you said that ” Ethiopia managed to influence upstream countries” but we don’t disagree with that. What I wrote was that as a result of the creation of The Nile Basin Initiative which led to the Cooperative Framework Agreement after 10 long years have brought us to the point where Ethiopia who ignited the idea by the late PM Meles Zenawi to the point where Ethiopia has already ratifyed the agreement wgich I also stated that following this the 1929 & 1959 agreements are null and void.
Then you are telling me that what you should do yourself by telling me ”..Please emancipate yourself from colonial mentality. Be in ward looker.”. Among other things I was trying to help you emancipate yourself from assimilartion seekinkg type person with slave mentality when you were so much worried about your English grammer and spelling. So please read what I wrote and what you wrote and just think who is suffering from a house slave type of mentality. As Malcom X said it: There are two types of ”Niggers” (I hate the word), a house ”nigger” and a field nigger”. I hope you know the rest of his statment. So please think first before you say something that will hit you back hard like a boomerang.
Bazezew, you also wrote ”..Don’t blame America or Egypt for our underdevelopment.” ..it is our fault too. Again you are entitled to your opinion. As far as I am concerned your statment again is once again incoherent and cotradicts the very point I have raised in my previous post. OH Yes I do blame the U.S.A, the UK and the rest of the European countries with their ”World” Bank and IMF policies that is still today chocking the Ethiopian people because Egypt have asked them not to provide loan to Ethiopia. And, for the reason Ethiopia was unable to secure from what you call them ”allies with theier financial Institutions) for Hydropowerplants in Ethiopia that includes the Grand Ethiopian Reinessance Dam. All this is from the day when Ethiopia was ruled by the king to very present day and as a result many millions perished because of famine and millions more were forced to be remain malnourished. Who is suffering from a pleasing colonial mentality? If you havent heard that conscience and morality is dead in the American and European persona/soul a very very long time ago then take off the wax from your ear, listen, compare and learn.
Finally, you write ”why did you mention Berhanu Nega and the likes of him?..” Because one he is a U.S citizen, two because you were not specific about which opposition you are talking asbout and three, as in your previous postings your statments were and are incoherent to say the least.Furthermore, Birhanu Nega and the like are sellouts and dogs for the Eritrean government and directely and indirectely to Arab countries of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Birhanu Nega recentely admited openlöy that he has been given $500,000 from the Eritrean government. Furthermore, individuals with a foreign citizenship can NOT participate for elections and in the opposition movements. And those that instigate violence and social disorder bought by Saudi’s and Egyptians must never have a place in politics of the country. The same rule applies in the U.S.A, the U.K and other European countries. Why should Ethiopia be an exception to the rule? Individuals like me who are citizens of countries like the U.S.A or U.K or Australia can discuss and write about their concerns and also financially support our beloved country by buying bonds for projects like the GERD and other Dams which hopefully will be constructed as the late PM Meles Zenawi have clearely steted when he layed the foundation for the GERD and also participate in investments either individaually or in groups beyond these we simply don’t have the right to be part of the opposition.
Thank you
I feel sorry for the negativity, even though there are are too many common grounds and same ideas in the two intellectual view points’.
The discussion will be more productive if we: avoid blaming “you” in negative situations; avoid “you” when criticize; be aware of the tone, politeness of the word in use; emphasis on positives;
Dear Amanuel,
I think you lost the plot. It is not relevant and productive to label people. It doesn’t matter where I came from or who I am, focus on the idea. Learn from the above comment by Danill. He showed his disagreement on a civilised manner.
Before rushing to undermine me, please read what I have said again.
With regard to Tana Beles and Tekeze, I said the dam is mainly for hydropower. I did not say it is not used for irrigation. In fact the amount of water used for irrigation is small. Is that what you think about water for irrigation? When I talk about irrigation it is not about millions of cubic metre waters rather billions. That is what the discussion is about.
Ethiopia has got the right to use billions of cubic metre of water for irrigation for the development of our people. You tried to argue as if I am not concerned for my people and lebeled me as a foreigner. Are you expecting me to write an academic paper in a group discussion with my fellow Ethiopians? Why you waste your time in splitting words. I did not defend America or UK at all. What I said is, “the reason why the US assisted Egypt is not to harm Ethiopia”. What is wrong with that? You know it and everybody knows it. Because I didn’t say, it is for US national interest, you rushed to accuse me as American defender. It is an open secret and no need to lecture people. Do you really believe that I should have to say it? Or do you think that I didn’t know it?I found it difficult to get a reason why you said that. I never argue in this way in a group discussion. To the list you have got an attitude problem and you are fault finder. What is wrong to be positive? Does it cost? If you read again what I have said, it is not that much different from yours. I said Ethiopia’s international network/influence has increased. My benchmark is the previous regime or what it was before. Is it not a fact? Egypt’s international influence is not questionable. Yes, since 1948 Egypt received about $70billion aid from the US. This is not a recent phenomenon. You are right America’s aid towards Ethiopia is for its own national interest . The same is true to Egypt. There is no aid for free! ! Whether Aid works or not it is a different matter. It is true Sudan was one country and Egypt’s interest was to keep a unified Sudan. Yes, this is because of the Nile. But whether it is SPLA’s or America’s strong belief, Sudan is divided in to two. Tell me with out round the bush commentary that whether Egypt’s interest is compromised or not. I have said Ethiopia managed to influence upstream countries. Is it not a positive development? What did Museveni said in response to Egypt’s rhetoric against Ethiopia?
Amanuel, do not rush to blame others. Please emancipate yourself from colonial mentality. Be in ward looker. We live in a world where power dictates. Don’t blame America or Egypt for our underdevelopment. We are collectively responsible for that. Lack of political leadership, lack of vision, negativity, corruption, etc. are the major issues. Yes, others can use you if you don’t stand for yourself. I think you have to start and learn working together. We have to stop saying that there is only one way. Just one simple question, why did you mention Berhanu Nega and the likes of him? Did I mention any name of opposition group which the government has to give political platform? I didn’t. Why do you assume? Take the face value, do not assume please. Would you accuse Daniell in the same way for suggesting similar solutions? To make it clear for you, I am an ordinary person like everyone who is interested eager to contribute to my country according to my capacity. I am sure, if my name was Amanuel like yours, you wouldn’t hesitate to label me as Eritrean.
This will be my last response to you. I apologise readers for responding in this way but I promise I won’t do it again.
ወንድም ኣማኑኤል፥
ብዙዎች የምትላቸው ጉዳዪች እውነትነት ምሁራዊ ቢዎኑም፥ ትንሽ ጥበብ ግን ይጎድላቸዋል፥፥ ለምሳሌ የመካከለኛው ምስራቅ ኣገሮችን መተመለከተ፤ በይፋ አንዲህ ያውም በሌላ ቋንቋ መጻፍ ኣገራችንን ይበልጥ ጥዓላት አንድታፈራ ይደጋል፥፤
ምሳሌዎች በመረጃ የተደገፉ ቢዎኑም የማስተላለፍ መንገድህ ለዘብ ባለመንገድ ቢዎን ይበልጥ ብዙሃኑን በማሳመን ውጤታማ ትሆናለህ ብዬ ኣስባለው፥፥
ስለመንግስት ወይም ኢሕኣዴግ ስናወራ አንደ ታምራት ላይኔ ወይም ጁነዲን ሳዶ ላይ ብቻ አንደማነተኩር ሁሉ; ስለተቃዋሚም ስንናገር ከዶር ብርሃኑ ብቻ ማዛመድ የለብንም፥፥
ከትህትና ጋር
Mr. Bazezew Genanaw
I also thank you for your response but I must stress on tha fact that your assumtion and conlusion is not based on facts and the reality in the ground.
One: you write tha : ” It has got good relationship with both the West and East. The aid we obtain from the US (about $1 billion) and the UK (£250-300 Million) yearly is simple example”. Do you know why?. After decades of neglact and sabotage and siding with Egypt yes today they are more or less engaged in assisting Ethiopia but mind you NOTHING is for free and without a reason. Because Ethiopia has bleaded blood of rivers in the war aganist terrorism by fighting Al quaida affliated Al Shabab.Their aid is primarily based on calculation and their own national interest and not because they seriousely want to see an Ethiopia that is strong economically and militarilly ( for self defence), because they know to the point that Ethiopia NEVER EVER has been an aggressor but only has fought for her servival. Moreover, Where the aid and loan coming from China is not tied to any preconditions the aid coming from the U.S.A in particular tied to preconditions. On the other hand it hugely dwarfs the $ 18.9 billion direct foreign investment from the U.S.A to Egypt copared to almost NULL DFI to Ethiopia. So let us be realistic here about their aid which is a long term selfish, egocentric, national interset calculation. Furthermore, yes the U.S.A has been giving $1.8 billion dollar aid each year based on the Camp David agreement between M. Bein of Israel & A. Sadat of Egyt out of which $ 1.3 billion is in millitary aid and the rest is in economical aid mind you not tied to any precondition whatsoever. Two: you then write that ” ..What ever the motive the current government has got more international support than the previous regim..” The motives are mentioned above as short as possible, besides even a deaf can understand the reason why the EPRDF government is having more ”internation support”.
Three: ”…It is a fact that currently Egypt is in crisis….”. Please read what I wrote earlier. I did not say that Egypt is in crisis. In fact with no mercy and with quarter I can tell you that I hope and pray that Egypt will go into an endless civil war like Somalia and destroy even the tarmac highways by buldozers finally either selling the buldozers, burning them or ”converting ” them as war mashcines.
Look the memories of the 1970’s till almost the end of the 1980’s is still freesh in my mind, and what is worse I have each and every broadcasted documentary recorded and even watch them specially then Ethiopia is treatened.I felt and at times even feel helpless but was wakes up and still wake-up several times in the night and cried/cry for my people that died because of famine in millions and the ones that were malnaurished and thereby their life expectency shortened because Ethiopia was sabotaged and boycoted by the U.S.A, U.K and the entire international community and their Inistitutions like the IMF and the World Bank and were denied even small scale loans to use their own rivers for food production and electricity. BTW: Even today the IMF while preaching to Ethiopia about economic reform they were and are engaged in accomodating Egypt the $ 4.8 billion dollars without any economic plan by Egyptian politicians. In the past decades the modernisation of Aswan Dam was financed by the ”World” Bank, so was the Toshaka lake and canal as well as the western axis project all together by well over 12 billion dollars. Both this both Institutions (the “World” Bank & IMF) while still today rejecting to give loan for The Ethiopian Grand reinessance Dam have been giving billions more than what I just mentioned to Egypt for decades where most of the loans have already been scraped by the Inistitution because of ”Egypts economic problems”.
Dear Bazezew Genanaw who in this God’s green earth do you think is having a decission making power both in the ”World” Bank and the IMF?- Though by name it is managed by Europeans the U.S.A also in iMF is having the majority vote.
Do you know what Ethiopia was told when requested loan from the ”World” Bank?: That the ”World” Bank is not a development project assisting Inistitution quite contrary to their policy concerning Egypt in this case.
Thanks God who has finally at least started giving us justice, I have seen the destruction and fall of our hereditary enemies in Somalia, Iraq and Lybia but unfortunately more still remain: Syria, Saudi Arabia, Quatar etc…etc..I am not as such anymore a religious Christian religion practicing person basically because of all that what happened and is happning to my people and country and what they were forced to undergo I still in a way hope and at times believe seriouselly that all the enemies of Ethiopia will fall and be destroyed in my life time.
You also write: ”That is why I said the Ethiopian government should close loopholes by opening the political space for oposition forces” A poletical space for the like of Birhanu Nega and the like and or the fanatic and fundamentalist Muslim followers that are stooges of Saudi Arabia and Egypy??? or which ones?? I hope you are not in denial that these ”opposition groups” have been either caught red handed and or have personally also admited for recieving from $ 500,000 to millions.
Then again you write : ”I mentioned the South Sudan case to show Egypt’s diminishing influence in Sudan as it went against Egypt’s interest”. WRONG: It was not because of Egypts diminishing influence but rather a strong determination of the People of South Sudan and the support they got from ALL Sub-Saharan Africa which had a weight on the decission making of the U.S.A and the U.K followed by other European countries.
I agree with you that Somalia is divided for good. They riped what they saw!. But then you write ”..Now Somalia is divided and in fact Ethiopia is benefited out of it to form an alliance with the US in the name of fighting terrorism…”. I once again remind you thousands of Ethiopians died in the U.S’s anti-terrorism war but what did this ”alliance with the U.S” benifited Ethiopia?. But also remember that Somalis are the second after Egypt for their unpredictability, So don’t be so sure about Somalis . What concerns Eritrea, the Arab ass kiss ass lick alcoholist pshyco Isayass has already been to Egypt giving his official statement that Egypt has the right over the Nile River in accordance with the 1929 and 1959 treaty. But the good news is that Eritrea is under the Ubited Nation Sanctions even for importing weapons needless to mention that Egypt will use it as launching pad to attack Ethiopia directely. A lausy preconditional $ 1 billion dollars in economical aid per year? Compare this with the alliance of the U.S.A with even Jordan.
Has Jordan ever fought the anti-terrorism war for the U.S.A? NOP. But all the same with one visit by king Abdullah of Jordan to the U.S.A who was worried that Syria might attack Jordan. The U.S.A within five days delivered Patriot anti-aircraft/ anti-missile rocket systems and no less than 50 U.S superior fighter bomber jets.
At each corner you try your best to defend the U.S.A and in general the so called International community. Are you an Ethiopian or an American?. I am confussed about it. Are you or Are you???
There we go again: ”The main reason that the US provide this military aid is not to harm Ethiopia’s national Tana Beles and Tekeze are mainly used for hydropower as well. Their use for irrigation is not significant interest.” ONE:: Who is treatning Egypt today that the U,S.A have to provide a state of the art fighter bomber jet equiped with modern radar system while exactely at the same time Egypt is treatniong to destabilise and or even bomb Ethopia the Obama adminstration announced that it will soon deliver 16 more F-16S fighter bomber jets to Egypt. The only rational Statsman today concerning Egypt is Senator John McCain who said it straight that it is a huge mistake at this point in history and with a regional uncertainity to give arms to Egypt and in particular these advanced weapons. Obama and his adminstration as well as the U.K and the rest of Western Europe were and are deaf and mute about the situation. Two: Again you are Wrong in your assement and statment or then you are not following the situation at all. Even the late PM of Ethiopia have said it straight in one of his interviews that we are already using the Tekeze and Tana Beles for irrigation and when the sugar factories both in the affinity of Tekeze and Tana Beles are going to be ready (they are going to be ready and producing soon BTW) we are going to use our equitable share of the water for these irrigation projects. I have to tell you that I have relatives who have visited those nearby areas and it is a fact. We have a God given right to use our water in an equitable share and in a win-win solution. Period. And that is also what the already ratifyed Coperative Framework Agreement says.
Egypts arguement discrediting the Cooperative framework agreement quoting the Geneva Convention that says: ”…a country which did not sign the agreement (in this case Egypt) and is not party to it is not obliged to accept the agreement..” WOW::GREAT!!! Non of the reparian countries are obliged to accept the 1929 and 1959 agreement either.
Finally I want to comment on your misconception to say the least. You write ”…Sooner or later they will come back to the negotiation table and agree to share the water. I believe the government and professionals in the field should have to play a decisive role to make this a reality.”
Tell me one good reason that will change Egypts mind and even sign the agreement. With what in a hell do you think they are going to feed their ever explossively expanding population? Weather Egypt likes it or not the projects in the pipeline in Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda nd als Ethiopia are definately going to decrease Sudan’s and Egypts 1959 unilaterally and self imposed quota.
Let me tell you the following: 1. If we don’t witness that Egypt in earnest will start building Sea Water desallinating plants. 2. If we don’t witness that Egypt will start drilling its huge underground water reserves then we are either dellusional or fatalists. 3. Maybe even you are an Ethiopian only by name but in reality an American or a Brit. Be it as it may you are not only presenting far from the truth arguements (Tekeze, Tana Bele irrigation projects, your international community, Egypt ”signing the Cooperative framework agreement etc etc..)
Again I ask you if the U.S.A thinks and or is of the opinion that Ethiopia is an ally at least according to your statments then Why didn’t this same U.S.A give or sell Patriot missiles meant only for anti aircraft/anti missile attacks?
Let us be realistic the U.S.A is only using Ethiopia for its own national interest and don’t give a damn about Ethiopia’s security, peace and prosperity unless then we are dellusional and have wet dreams about the so called alliance and all that crap.
Thank you
Dear Amanuel & Bazezew, both of you raised important points. Saying that:
1) I took a Strategic Management course in Western U. Any business manager has to see different scenarios based on its internal and external environment. At the end, has to choose the best solution in a minimum cost with other backup plans. I think it can be applied in this discussion and a country level too.
2) Yes, we can’t afford in the arm race, but we can prepare for different scenarios within our means to avoid mistakes like 1998.
3) Is Ethiopia influence raising? For sure, but not the same level with Egp. We can overstate for outsiders our influence level, but we need to understand, even in their crisis mode, our economy, military, diplomatic defense is not the same level. To confirm this we can compare the gap between our and their power plant financing from world bank. As a result , we need to intensify and increase our diplomatic influence & capability, especially standing together with black African brothers. We also work hard in West, East & Middle East.
5) Last but not least, the government has to come to it senses’ in respect to Human Rights , democracy, fighting corruption & good governance; as everything adds up for the betterment of the country.
why Ethiopia to buy such amount /Number of Jet???
I agree with your analysis.
In addition to the points you raised the government also needs to look at other defense mechanisms. For example few years ago Russia successfully attacked Georgia using its IT force.
Now days some countries capable of attacking other countries infrastructure in cheaper ways. They can able to do whatever they want on dams or power grid just using one laptop if the necessary check in balance isn’t in place.
I was in back home a while back and I was wondering the reasons for the continues blackout. It is common new power transformers being burnt within few weeks service. Even I spoke officials at EEPCo about it. I don’t want to discuss the corruption level in the corporation from top to bottom.
Even though there is a big gap between supply and demand, and the low quality of the transformers. I think there is some kind of conspiracy to attack the country economy. There is a Gibtse company that makes low & high voltage cables and meters. Assume, if it intentionally use wrong specifications…when they produce those supplies. They can cause a great damage to the country.
The country is losing millions of foreign currency and production hours because of sabotage in the country’s transmissions and the distribution grids. I think a responsible government needs to investigate it instead of providing other excuses.
Dear Amanuel,
Thank you for quick response. I think there are a few things that I need to make clear to you and the readers.
Ethiopia’s regional and international influence is rising. It has got good relationship with both the West and East. The aid we obtain from the US (about $1 billion) and the UK (£250-300 Million) yearly is simple example. The loan and foreign direct investment that the country secured from China, India, Brazil, Turkey, and multinational doners are also indicators of its growing acceptance. I hope you will not ask me to put figure:). What ever the motive, the current government has got more international support than the previous regim.
In is obvious, Egypt does want not to see prosperous Ethiopia and its foreign policy is always focused on disestablising Ethiopia (this is a fact and I did not deny the fact). I am well informed on the hydro-politics of the the region and I know clearly what I am talking about. I am not speculating or making a lay-man assumption. It is not relevant to talk about Gura and Gundet. But I can predict about Egypt’s possible actions based on the facts on the ground. It is a fact that currently Egypt is in crisis. Given the general fluied politics in the region and the religious and political divisions in the country, Egypt may take time to come out of this crisis. The easiest and so far the most productive method to stop Ethiopia from it intended plan is by using covert opration. That is why I said the Ethiopian government should close loopholes by opening the political space for oposition forces. I mentioned the South Sudan case to show Egypt’s diminishing influence in Sudan as it went against Egypt’s interest. I know why Egypt wanted a unified Sudan.
The approach of the upper riparian countries to challenge the status quo, which is organised by Ethiopia, is another example of Ethiopia’s rising influence in the region. Somalia was great ally of Egypt in the 1970s and threre was a rumer that both countries were agreed to settle 500,000 Egyptian households in Somalia. Now Somalia is divided and in fact Ethiopia is benefited out of it to form an alliance with the US in the name of fighting terrorism.
The points I mentioned and many other similar factors will NOT give a free ride for Egypt to repeat what it has done for the past 40 years or more. You linked John Kerry’s visit and the 4 F-16S that has been sent to Egypt. To be honest this is not a new thing. After the 1979 Camp Devid agreement Egypt gets $1.5 Billion military aid yearly. In addition, the Pentagon and Egypt’s military do a joint traing in a regular basis. The main reason that the US provide this military aid is not to harm Ethiopia’s national interest.
Saying that there are always different views about trnaboundary water resources. Optimists always see it a a means of cooperation and pestimistes say the future war is due to water.
The construction of the GRED is for hydro-electric power. Tana Beles and Tekeze are mainly used for hydropower as well. Their use for irrigation is not significant. Egypt knows the time is changing and there will not be a better deal than this one for mutual benefit. Sooner or later they will come back to the negotiation table and agree to share the water.
I strongly believe that it is only a political solution that will resolve the historical mistrust and antagonism. I believe the government and professionals in the field should have to play a decisive role to make this a reality. The points you mentioned in the bottom half of your response are very crucial to this end.
Dear Amanuel: The Cold War was won by accelerating the arms race rather that using missiles, which is in favour of the strong economy. You have listed names of countries and types of state of the art plans but I am sorry we do not have the lexury of the economy to drag in to arm race.
At the moment there is no significant dam started for irrigation purposes and it is poinless to talk about consumptive use of water. You said ” I am very sorry to say this but from one paragraph to the other your writing is contradictory, biased and not based on facts”. In my opinion we are here to share information each other and to creat awareness not to score points. I think you are a bit harsh and out of context on this. This approach will discourage potential contributers (may be I am oversensitive???). Apart from this I enjoyed reading your comment and please keep it up.
Many Thanks
According to the Interbational law of experts punlications it is illegal to redirect or transfer river water resources to a third country about what also we don’t hear anything from the Ethiopian government because Egypt has already been transfering the Nile River both to Nagev Desert of Israel but also Egypt and Saudis bridge which will effectively include heavy duty water pipes capable of discharging millions of literes of water per day to another desert country and probanly continuing to other desert Arab countries of the refion. Again I reeterete we don’t hear all these from the Ethiopian government officials, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs web site and or from the newly lunched: Office of National Council for the Coordination of public Participation on The Construction of The Grand Reinaissance Dam. In fact in the last mentioned web site the topics are exactely the same once from the first days that it was launched with no updates and or discussion of about wjat we just wrote above concerning the Security Interest of Ethiopia, and about all issues mentioned here and above,
Thank you
Dear Bazew Genanaw
Thank you for your response. BTW: grammatic and spelling errors don’t matter at all. Even very many American’s whose mother tung is English with a college degree make mistakes both in grammer and spelling. The content of our view is important. We just happen to exchange our views in a language that is not even our mother tounge. Only a neurotic and assimilation seeking type punk will make a big deal about his/her pronounciation and correctness of his/her English grammer ans spellings. So just relax I also have made and make a lot of mistakes.
But dear brother though we both are concerned, but it seems that our opinion differs becasus you make conclusions based merely on your own assumption and speculation whereas I am trying to present historical and contemporary facts You write: quote ”…the current climate will not allow them to repeat what they have done 40 years ago..”. Do you really belive in what you just wrote?
If there is any country in the African continent that is unpredictable that countries name is Egypt. Convince me what will hinder Egypt from not repeating what they did over 40 years ago?.
I will give you one example about theier aggressive interventionist policy: In the middle or was it at the end of 1970’s They sent a huge transporter plane full of special forces with transporter U.S Humvees armed on top of the vehihicle with heavy duty mashine guns and other rockets for what they claimed was a ”rescue” operation. The Cyprus paramilitary force with ten Land Rovers mounted with machinguns appeared just in time out of the blues and arrested the entire over 180 Egyptian secret service and special forces with all theier weapons the moment the tranporter plane touched the tarmac of Cyprus International Airport.
Then you write ” …The creation of South Sudan is a good example. Egypt didn’t want that to happen.” Unquote. Egypt was opposed for South Sudan to secede mainly because of the Nile River and the ongoing The Nile Basin Initiative Framework agreements. As far as Darfur is concerned either it will stay with Kartum or secede with or without Egypt meddling in the Internal affairs of that country. And, so what will hinder them from repeating the same tactic as in the dasys of Nymeri?. Furthermore, if we think for a while that assuming they repeat the same tactic, what they will probably do is achieve their millitary objective and withdrow leaving behind them a destroyed Ethiopian Infrastructure and the mass murderd Ethiopians as well asa pupet Kartum government.
Then you write: quote ”…Ethiopia’s international network and its regional role is rising…” Unquote. And what benifit did it bring to Ethiopia in terms of the countries future stability and peace?. It was immidiately after the secretary of State John Kerry visited Egypt that the U.S.A sent four brand new F-16S upgraded with special radar system straight from Texas and following the televised discussion in Cairo about future plans to destabilise and even bomb the Grand Ethiopian Reinessance Dam and followed by a speach given by Morsi about a their blood will be the substitutefor a missing drop of water from the Nile that the Obama adminstration anounced 16 more F-16S will be delivered soon to Egypt. Is that why you are convinced???: quote: ”..The international public opinion is supporting Ethiopia..” unquote.
a couple of weeks earlier Egypt also bought the bomber planes from the U.K and four weeks before the G8 summit in Ireland Morsi was negotiating to buy a destroyer submarine (nuclear???) from Germany with Chancler Angella Merkel who then accepted to deliver soon.
Is that your International public opinion that you saw supporting Ethiopia?? What did they do lately to gurantee peace and strenthen Ethiopia’s security???
Without meaningful results only empty talks are not worth S…t.
I am very sorry to say this but from one paragraph to the other your writing is contradictory, biased and not based on facts. Quote: ”…In my opinion, things could be more complicated when we start using the water for irrigation (consumptive use of water)”. Maybe you havent heard when the late PM Meles Zenawi layed the foundation of The Grand Ethiopian Reinessance Dam, he clearly said that Ethiopia have decided to build 4-5 (?) big Hydroelectric Dams on the course of the Abay which also be used for irrigation purposess. For your information Tekeze and Beles which are both tributaries of the Nile are already extensively used for irrigation purposes and will be used on a grand scale when the sugar factories are going to operative and start functioning. Furthermore, Ethiopia has already ratifyed the cooperative Framework Agreement which means that the 1929 and 159 treaties are null and void. What surprises me is the delay of the Nile Reparian countries to ratify the Cooperative framework agreement.
If according to you Ethiopia will have the support of the regional and international community, then you really make me laugh. Assuming your theory is correct. Why don’t the U.S.A give or sell patriot missiles to Ethiopia? But Nada. Why? Because it seems conscience and morality is dead in the American and also European persona/soul a very very long time ago. In fact I wonder if they ever had one.
What I agree with you is that I also don’t know what the Ethiopian government been negotiating and what do they mean when they repeatedly state that ”Ethiopia is willing to and will accomodate Egyt”? I don’t understand why Ethiopia have to accomodate Egypt in any form?. In fact it should have been quite the contrary. Furthermore, 1. Why we are not hearing any voice from Ethiopia that Egypt would have been able to decrease the evaporation of the Nile by building an underground tunnel from the border of Sudan to Lake Nasir? Aaccording to proffesionals estimates Egypt would have saved from 3-6 (and even maybe more) billions cubic meter of water per year. 2. Why Don’t we hear that Egypt as well can start building desallination plants both in the Meditrenean and the Red Sea. Mind you Saudis who are one of the major producers of wheat are almost totally dependent for irrigation and domestic use from desallinated Red Sea water. 3. Why don’t we hear that Egypt must start utilizing her underground water. 4. Why don’t we hear that the at least 10-12% out of the 15,5% of the Nile River that is discharged to the Mediterenian Sea is redidected, reprocessed in a water facility and be used again? 5. We hear repeatedly from Egyptian politicians that their population is over 85 million and that it is going to reach at least 150 million if not more. Assuming even that Egypt will get all the amount of water in accordance with the 1959 treaty between Egypt and Sudan well how in a heck are they going to feed that big of a population? 6. We also don’t hear that why don’t Egypt start reinforcing family planning?
Weather Egypt likes it all not the only way out is the Nile Basin Initiative with an equitable share of the Nile water in a win-win solution. And, this my brother means Ethiopia is going to use its share for irrigation projects of any size it deems necessary because never again will Ethiopians die of famine and their life expectancy shortened because of malnutration. Needless to mention die in millions because of famine as it was the case from the second half of the 1960’s almost till the end of 1980’s. No way. To die in a heroic way is much better than to see our people dying because of famine even if we have to sacrifice a million people (hopfully not even one). And so we come to the same conclusion: 1. There is nothing that will hinder Egypt repeating the same old tactic of financing a coup de etet in Kartum to achieve their goals and meet their ends. 2. I reeterete that if Ethiopia, her infrastructure and people are attacked then Ethiopia must be prepared not only to defend its territorial integrity, sovereignty and it’s peoples well being and safty but must retaliate in such a way that in particular Egypt will start from Zero and from the age of total darkness with no electricity but floods that will engulf their villages, towns, cities and their capital city as well.
I know that peace and stability is having a primary importance for development and that I also prefer peace than war. But, the Ethiopian government must plan not only for what might happen after six month, one year or a decade but rather have the moral and patriotic obligation to start a visionary planning for the coming 50 to 100 years minimum and start in earnest strengthning of the Ethiopian millitary and be prepared for any eventuality.
If Egypt don’t agree and sign The Nile Basin Initiative then rest assured we will have a major war with them. In that case then I once again reeterete that Ethiopia must be prepared to umleash hell on Egypt with all the consequences it implies. History teaches us how the Ottoman Empire managed to make them timid and that was not by ”accomodation” but by use of massive force of destruction and mayhem. Maybe then they will come to their F….ng sences to sit down and negotiate and sign the agreements and start desallinating Sea water and driill their underground water reserve as well as reinforce family planning.
M.Amanuel. L
Dear Bazew Genanaw
Thank you for your response. BTW: grammatic and spelling errors don’t matter at all. Even very many American’s whose mother tung is English with a college degree make mistakes both in grammer and spelling. The content of our view is important. We just happen to exchange our views in a language that is not even our mother tounge. Only a neurotic and assimilation seeking type punk will make a big deal about his/her pronounciation and correctness of his/her English grammer ans spellings.
But dear brother though we both are concerned, but it seems that our opinion differs becasus you make conclusions based merely on your own assumption and speculation whereas I am trying to present historical and contemporary facts You write: quote ”…the current climate will not allow them to repeat what they have done well over 40 years ago..”. Do you really belive in what you just wrote?
If there is any country in the African continent that is unpredictable that countries name is Egypt. Convince me what will hinder Egypt from not repeating what they did over 40 years ago doing so?. Then you write ” …The creation of South Sudan is a good example. Egypt didn’t want that to happen.” Unquote. Egypt was opposed for South Sudan to secede mainly because of the Nile River and the ongoing The Nile Basin Framework Initiative. As far as Darfur is concerned either it will stay with Kartum or secede with or without Egypt meddling in the Internal affairs of that country. And, so what will hider them from repeating the same tactic as in the dasys of Nymeri?. Furthermore, if we think for a while that assuming they repeat the same tactic, what they will probably do is achieve their millitary objective and withdrow leaving behind them a pupet Kartum government.
Then you write: quote ”…Ethiopia’s international network and its regional role is rising…” Unquote. And what benifit did it bring to Ethiopia in terms of the countries future stability and peace?. It was immidiately after the secretary of State John Kerry visited Egypt that the U.S.A sent four F-16S and following the televised discussion in Cairo about future plans to destabilise and even bomb the Grand Reinessance Dam followed by a speach given by Morsi about a their blood will be the substitutefor a missing drop of water from the Nile that the Obama adminstration anounced 16 more F-16S will be delivered soon to Egypt. Is that why you are convinced???: quote: ”..The international public opinion is supporting Ethiopia..” unquote.
Weeks earlier Egypt also bought the bomber planes from the U.K and four weeks before the G8 summit in Ireland Morsi was negotiating to buy a destroyer submarine (nuclear???) from Germany with Chancler Angella Merkel who then accepted to deliver soon.
Is that your International public opinion that you saw supporting Ethiopia?? What did they do lately to gurantee peace and strenthen Ethiopia’s security???
Without meaningful results only empty talks are not worth S…t.
I am very sorry to say this but from one paragraph to the other your writing is contradictory, biased and not based on facts. Quote: ”…In my opinion, things could be more complicated when we start using the water for irrigation (consumptive use of water)”. Maybe you havent heard when thate PM Meles Zenawi layed the foundation of tThe Grand Ethiopian Reinessance Dam, he clearly said that Ethiopia have decided to build 4-5 (?) big Hydroelectric Dams on the course of the Abay which also be used for irrigation purposess. For your information Tekeze and Beles which are both tributaries of the Nile are already extensively used for irrigation purposes and will be used on a grand scale when the sugar factories are going to start functioning. Furthermore, Ethiopia has already ratifyed the cooperative Framework Agreement which means that the 1929 and 159 treaties are null and void. What surprises me is the delay of the Nile Reparian countries to ratify the CoOperative framework agreement.
If according to you Ethiopia will have the support of the regional and international community, then you really make me laugh. Assuming your theory is correct. Why don’t the U.S.A give or sell patriot missiles to Ethiopia?
What I agree with you is I also don’t know what the Ethiopian government been negotiating and what do they mean when they repeatedly state that ”Ethiopia is willing to and will accomodate Egyt”? I don’t understand why Ethiopia have to accomodate Egypt in any form?. In fact it should have been the contrary. Furthermore, 1. Why we are not hearing any voice from Ethiopia that Egypt would have been able to decrease the evaporation of the Nile by building an underground tunnel from the border of Sudan to Lake Nasir? Aaccording to proffesionals estimates Egypt would have saved from 3-6 (and even maybe more) billions cubic meter of water. 2. Why Don’t we hear that Egypt as well can start building desallination plants both in the Meditrenean and the Red Sea. Mind you Saudis who are one of the major producers of wheat are almost totally dependent for irrigation and domestic use from desallinated Red Sea water. 3. Why don’t we hear that Egypt must start utilizing her underground water. 4. Why don’t we hear that the at least 10-12% out of the 15,5% of the Nile River that is discharged to the Mediterenian Sea is redidected, reprocessed in a water facility and be used again? 5. We hear repeatedly from Egyptian politicians that their population is over 85 million and that it is going to reach at least 150 million if not more. Assuming even that Egypt will get all the amount of water in accordance with the 1959 treaty between Egypt and Sudan well how in a heck are they going to feed that big of a population? 6. We also don’t hear that why don’t Egypt start reinforcing family planning?
Weather Egypt likes it all not the only way out is the Nile Basin Initiative with an equitable share of the Nile water in a win-win solution. And, this my brother means Ethiopia is going to use its share for irrigation projects of any size it deems necessary because never again will Ethiopians die of famine and their life expectancy shortened because of malnutration. Needless to mention die in millions because of famine as it was the case from the second half of the 1960’s almost till the end of 1980’s. No way. To die in a heroic way is much better than to see our people dying because of famine even if we have to sacrifice a million people (hopfully not even one). And so we come to the same conclusion: 1. There is nothing that will hinder Egypt repeating the same old tactic of financing a coup de etet in Kartum to achieve their goals and meet their ends. 2. I reeterete that Ethiopia, her infrastructure and people are attacked then Ethiopia must be prepared not only to defend its territorial integrity, sovereignty and it’s peoples well being and safty but must retaliate in such a way that in particular Egypt will start from Zero and from the age of total darkness with no electricity but floods that will engulf their villages, towns, cities and their capital city as well.
I know that peace and stability is having a primary importance for development and that I also prefer peace than war. But, the Ethiopian government must plan not only for what might happen after six month, one year or a decade but rather have the moral and patriotic obligation to start a visionary planning for the coming 50 to 100 years minimum and start in earnest strengthning the Ethiopian millitary and be prepared for any eventuality.
If Egypt don’t agree and sign The Nile Basin Initiative then rest assured we will have a major war with them. In that case then I once again reeterete that Ethiopia must be prepared to umleash hell on Egypt with all the consequences it implies. History teaches us how the Ottoman Empire managed to make them timid and that was not by ”accomodation” but by use of massive force of destruction and mayhem. Maybe then they will come to their F….ng sences to sit down and negotiate and sign the agreements and start desallinating Sea water and druill their underground water reserve.
M.Amanuel. L
One comment.
Mohamad Albaradi is not a PM for the interim govt. No agreement reached.
Sorry, there is grammatical errors in a few places.
“The more we expose them that their claim is more of a myth than a fact, the more international support we get to use our water resources”.
Our hydro-politics professionals and international water law experts could do more in exposing these issues to the wider public. This will create an opportunity for us to access funding from multinational institutions.
Dear Amanuel,
I totally agree with your analysis and it is a genuine concern. That is what is expected from any concerned Ethiopian.
As I said earlier I can’t comment on the weapons and types of planes that Ethiopia should buy. Because I do not have a clue (except a few readings when I was taking a course in Geopolitics two decades ago as part of my undergraduate study).
As you said we have to be ready and capable to defend ourselves. I hope our government got a lesson from the 1998 surprise (if at all it is a surprise).
But when I see the current tension in the region and the facts on the ground, I found it difficult to accept that Egypt could do more than using proxy war and covert operations. These are the old tactics and their foreign policy is designed in this way.
When we do a power analysis, there is no doubt that Egypt is superior both in the hard and soft power. However, Ethiopia’s international network and its regional role is rising which is minimising the gaps on the soft power. The international public opinion is supporting Ethiopia. I understand your concern on the manipulative nature of Egypt and how the 1959 agreement is signed after bringing Egyptian loyalists in to power. However, the current climate will not allow them to repeat what they have done 40 years ago. The creation of South Sudan is a good example. Egypt didn’t want that to happen.
The link approach that Museneni used (Arab – Africa) approach will unit the upper riparian counties to have a common position. Sudan doesn’t consider herself as down stream rather midstream country . It is for their best interest to side with upstream countries and there are evidences for this. In my opinion, things could be more complicated when we start using the water for irrigation (consumptive use of water).
The major concern I have got is how our actors conclude the NBI agreement. Ethiopia’s government acknowledgement of Egypt’s water security concern is a tricky situation. In addition we didn’t fully utilise the various approaches that could give weight in the negotiations process. May be I have no enough information on it as it is kept secret. For example using the concept of virtual water we can argue that Egypt can access water in the international market in the form of cereals or other food crops. Using the concept of social adaptive capacity, we can challenge Egypt that it should move from water intensive economy to non-water intensive economy. It is because the STRONG ECONOMY HAS MORE OPTIONS. The more we expose them that their claim doesn’t is more of a myth than a fact, the more international support we get use our water resourses. Their approach is mainly based on false needs creation and also knowledge construction. If you read the works of our professionals in the field many of them argue “the survival of Egypt is based on the Nile” by mentioning 7000 years dependence. No one question the contribution of the water intensive economy, agriculture to the GDP.
Sorry for the long story and a bit out of context.
Saying that I don’t have any difference on your analysis. The only difference is on our assumptions.
Dear Amanuel,
I totally agree with your analysis and it is a genuine concern. That is what is expected from any concerned Ethiopian.
As I said earlier I can’t comment on the weapons and types of planes that Ethiopia should buy. Because I do not have a clue (except a few readings when I was taking a course in Geopolitics two decades ago as part of my undergraduate study).
As you said we have to be ready and capable to defend ourselves. I hope our government got a lesson from the 1998 surprise (if at all it is a surprise).
But when I see the current tension in the region and the facts on the ground, I found it difficult to accept that Egypt could do more than using proxy war and covert operations. These are the old tactics and their foreign policy is designed in this way.
When we do a power analysis, there is no doubt that Egypt is superior both in the hard and soft power. However, Ethiopia’s international network and its regional role is rising which is minimising the gaps on the soft power. The international public opinion is supporting Ethiopia. I understand your concern on the manipulative nature of Egypt and how the 1959 agreement is signed after bringing Egyptian loyalists in to power. However, the current climate will not allow them to repeat what they have done 40 years ago. The creation of South Sudan is a good example. Egypt didn’t want that to happen.
The link approach that Museneni used (Arab – Africa) approach will unit the upper riparian counties to have a common position. Sudan doesn’t consider herself as down stream rather midstream country . It is for their best interest to side with upstream countries and there are evidences for this. In my opinion, things could be more complicated when we start using the water for irrigation (consumptive use of water).
The major concern I have got is how our actors conclude the NBI agreement. Ethiopia’s government acknowledgement of Egypt’s water security concern is a tricky situation. In addition we didn’t fully utilise the various approaches that could give weight in the negotiations process. May be I have no enough information on it as it is kept secret. For example using the concept of virtual water we can argue that Egypt can access water in the international market in the form of cereals or other food crops. Using the concept of social adaptive capacity, we can challenge Egypt that it should move from water intensive economy to non-water intensive economy. It is because the STRONG ECONOMY HAS MORE OPTIONS. The more we expose them that their claim doesn’t is more of a myth than a fact, the more international support we get use our water resourses. Their approach is mainly based on false needs creation and also knowledge construction. If you read the works of our professionals in the field many of them argue “the survival of Egypt is based on the Nile” by mentioning 7000 years dependence. No one question the contribution of the water intensive economy, agriculture to the GDP.
Sorry for the long story and a bit out of context.
Saying that I don’t have any difference on your analysis. The only difference is on our assumptions.
A person like you has to put an advisory position. I agree. What if questions has to be asked.
Ato Bazezew Genanaw
Correction: Allow me to make myself clear. I am not saying that Egypt will start a direct comfrontation and even an all out war soon. If they don’t try to destabilise Ethiopia by proxy wars they might as well do their utmost and arrange a coup de etet in Kartum which will then easily alow Egypt to start a direct comfrontation aganist Ethiopia. I don’t want to be misunderstood as a person exagurating the situation but presenting the facts. Because history teaches me that Egypt has already once succefully financed a coup de etet in Kartum, as I said by promoting to power Nymeri who signed everything what Egypt wanted from the Nile River. I once again also would like to reeterate that the Kartum government of Al Bashir is one of the most unstable government in the region in addition to Somalia which can open a window of oportunity for Egypt to establish air fields and embark a war aganist Ethiopia. What then? Without upgrading and strengthning a military force with a capability to not only defend the sovereignty, safty of of its people and construction projects that are underway and are in the pipeline.If not then one day we will be caught with our trousers down permanentely endangering the sovereignty and safty of of the people and loosing our hard gained infrastructure including the grand Ethiopian Reinessance Dam. I urge you and Ethiopians of all walks of life never underestimate and or predicte the unpredictable.
I will sleep peacefully only IF Egypt will sign the Nile Basin Initiative and never otherwise.
For the reason I still stick with the kind of military armament I underlined above to be purchesed or purchase other equally potent weapons for defence purpose.
Thank you
Bazezew Genanaw
Thank you for the response. I am not saying Egypt will start a war aganist Ethiopia. What I was emphesising is that the idea of buying a rusted with unknown flight kilometers and only an upgrade of Suhoi 27 that is Suhoi 30K is totally irrisponssible. Two: history teaches us that it was Egypt that arranged the coup de etet and brought to power Nymeri who then signed all the agreement that Egypt wanted concerning the river Nile. Furthermore, don’t forget that the government in Kartum is one of the most unstable governments in the reagion with an exeption to Somalia. Three: We don’t know what will follow after the resent crisis in Egypt and who will be the next leader in that country?
In my opinion both a war by proxy and direct confrontation can never be ruled out.
I will be more than happy that Ethiopia will not waste its foreign exchange reserve by purchasing such weapons I suggested abovebut in particular those Suhoi 30K’s for reasons I already mentioned
The sitution inj Egypt is getting more and more complicated as we speak for the reason that in addition to the muslim brotherhood the Al Naur party has rejected Dr. M. El Baredei’s appointment to be the intrim PM. What does that tell you?. The brotherhood plus Al Naur if they join their forces together in the next election then they are the dominating majority of the Egypt and they will take back power and even reinforce the sharia law weather we like it or not.
For the above facts it is premature to make this or that conclusion and or make predictions.
We like it or not the country must strengthen its defence capability responsibly and never underestimate and or predicte the unpredictable.
@Amanuel and Primus,
Thank you for sharing thought. I can’t comment on the points you raised as it is too technical to me.
However, I strongly believe that Egypt will not go to war for the simple reason that the GERD dam will benefit both Egypt and Sudan in controlling flood, reducing siltation, regulating flow and minimising water loss due to evaporation. These are facts.
In my opinion the war threat and all the stupid rhetoric is a divertion techniques from internal problems. In fact in transboundary river basins no upstream country soften its position like ours. Egypt is pressing hard to get the best out of it. The crisis that Egypt faced currently creats a window of opportunity for us. It may take them years to come to terms. The good news and is Sudan supports the construction of the dam and taking a different position from Egypt was unthinkable and is against the 1959 agreement. As a result, our government should mobilise all its resourses to finalise the proposed dam. The only area that Egypt could try to weaken Ethiopia is by covert operation and it is up to the Ethiopian government to close down all the loopholes.
As I mentioned earlier I don’t think the Ethiopoian government is serious about what it is doing. If it is true that they are going to buy a ten year rusted with a huge amount of flight kilometers meaning planes with a short life span and above all Suhoi 30K is nothing but an updated version of Suhoi 27.
Now let us look at the functioning and potent Egyptian air Force:
Fighter bomber Jets from U.S.A:
1. Lockhead F-16 A figting Falcon – amount: 32
2. Lockehead F-16 B fighting Falcon- amount : 8
3. Lockhead F -16 C fighting Falcon -amount 36
4. Lockhead F-16 D Fighting Falcon – amount 42
5. Lockhead F-16 S upgraded with the state of the art and with sophisticated radar syste amount delivered 4 and 16 more will be delivered in the near future
Fighter bomber Jets from France:
6. Desault Mirrage V 5E; 5SDE; 5DDR – amount all together 82
7. Desault Mirage 2000 BM – amount 3
8. Desault Mirage 2000 EM – amount 15
Heavy duty big Bomber Planes from the U.S.A
1. Douglas c-47 Dakota Transporter/Bomber – amount not disclosed
Bomber Planes from the U.K
1. Avro 647 Bomber – amount not disclosed
2. Avro Lancaster Bomber B1- amount not disclosed
3. Fairy Gordon Bomber – amount not disclosed
4. Handy Page Halifax Bomber – amount not disclosed
5. Hawker Hart & Hurricane Bomber – amount 34
6. Tupolov: TU-16 Bomber – amount 30
Transporter Planes: Most significant ones excluding Russian made Tu’s and Illusions:
From the U.S.A
1. C-130 – amount not disclosed
2. C-130H – amount 28
3. EC-130 – amount 2
4. VC- 130H – amount 1 also can be used as a bomber
Note: I used the word most significant because the above U.S made planes don’t necessarly need a tarmack landing airfield.
Egyptian Navy:
From the U.S.A:
1. Guided Missile Frigates: 8 Oliver Hazzard Perry Class; 4 Knox Class
2. Missile corvets – 2 El Suez Class
3. Large Fast Attack Craft Missile: – A. Ambassador MK II- amount 4; B. OSA 1 Class – amount 9; ´C. Units OSA 1 Class – amount 4; Tiger Type 148 Class – amount 5.
From U.S.A:
1. Undisclosed anti-aircrft missiles have already been delivered during Mubarks last days. Patriot missiles????
In addition to all this Egypt has been negotiating to purchase an air refuiling plane just days before Morsi was put under house arrest. Trust me with or without morsi the nagging negotiation to purchase an air refuiling plane will become a reality within a couple of years.
And for the reason if not to embezzle and get reach, the ethiopian ruling elite can not make such a stupid and ignorant decission to buy already rusted with flight kilometers already so high that they will be functional only for a very short period of time. Besides as any sane person can see from above the Suhoi 30K’s even if brand new ones are nothing but an upgrade of Suhoi 27’s.
I urge Ethiopians of all walks of life to challenge and abandon these corrapt, unpatriotic move by the Ethiopian ruling class. If they go ahead and purchase the planes from the corrapt Russians in a cheaper price and enrich themselves threby endangering the security of the country which is a treason aganiost the Ethiopian people and the countries future.
I personally urge the Ethiopian government to take the situation seriousely and use the 450 or 450 plus millions of dollars in an honest way so as to defend the sovereignty, safty of of its people and construction projects in the pipeline.
I once again reterate: Instead of buying an old and rusting (10 years India did not use the planes) it is rational and wise to buy 12 brand new Suhoi 30KM equiped wth modern rockets such as bunker buster bombs (=deplated Uranium bombs), surface to air and surface to land and sea missiles which the SU-30MK has the capability to load more of these weapons also. Though the U.S.A is having both historical and contemporary obligation, it seems conscience and morality is dead in the American persona/soul a very very long time ago. In fact I wonder if they ever had one. And for the reason while arming Egypt I don’t belive that they will sell patriot missiles to Ethiopia for self defence. And, for the reason though not battlefield tested as the patriot missile, Ethiopia must purchase about 100 S-300 surface to air-surface to land missiles (both for enemy jets trying to penetrate Ethiopian borders and for retaliation as a surface to land and sea missile) from Russia. Checking that the weapons are geniune by the help of friends from China. Plus purchase medium range missiles with a range of upto 4500-5000 km equiped with a wide area and deep penetration capability from The Peoples Republic of China. Let Ethiopian Physicists, Chemistry and Biology Doctors start doing their homework asap. These is the only way the heriditary enemt will take Ethiopia seriousely and finally agree to an equitable water share in a win- win solution for all.
M.Amanuel. L
This is rediculous. Why don’t we ask ourselves why did Vietnam refused to buy the same planes that Ethiopian’s are planning to wate the countries precious 450 million dollars??
I am sure Egyptians are laughing at us about this stupid moove. Mind you Suhoi 30K is nothing but an upgrade of Suhoi 27 in the first place. Second, they have been definately not only rusting but the amount of flight kilometers make them useful only for a short period of time. Finally, I am very much convinced that that there are corrapt top officials in the Ethiopian government that just want to get reach by purchasing these planes which in reality do not cost such a huge amount of money. Compare the prices from the last Paris air show for new planes: Suhoi 30KM, F-16 and Mirage 2000. Do these people in the Ethiopian government that want to benifit from purchasing such old and god knows how many flight kilometers they have been used?. Do they really think Ethiopians are stupid. We all know how corrapt Russians are. We also live in the Internet age. Remember the bombs Ethiopia purchased during the war aganist Eritrea in the last war. The bombs were so weak that their destructive surface area was not more vthan 2meters wide by 1.5-2 meters deep which was confirmed by the Indian peace keeping mission long ago. Fool me once.
Look we need to send a pettition to the Ethiopian Government to take the situation very seriousely.
Thank you
Sorry for ommiting Chemistsry and Biology Doctors. All these specialists together with Physics Phd experts must start doing their homework for the dearest country on earth ASAP.
If you think I am suggesting something grandiose just compare the Egyptian military armament: from the number of U.S fighter jets to Apache helicopters, to Mirage 2000’s and their numbers as well as transport and combat Chinok helicopters plus rockets that can be lifted by their Bomber planes also from the UK etc ..etc…
To be more precise the medium range missiles of China have been prooved to be very potent but the Ethiopian government have to negotiate that it is indeed laser guided or with a GPS installation by using a frien´dly countries satelite system and with the same destructive power as Chinas own. To purchase 100-200 such missiles (sorry for not mentioning the number of rockates above) will automatically put Ethiopia in an Assured Mutual Destruction stage. Which means the enemy will not dare start any direct confrontation. The heriditary enemy that is yet once again has been treatning and or will treaten to use force will understand that only the missiles will reach not only its strategically and economically important infrastrcture causing totasl darkness for very many years to come but its villages, cities and capital city will be flooded causing a damage of biblical proportions. BTW the rockets can be additionally armed with other components if Ethiopian physists with a Phd just start doing their homework right now ASAP:
Instead of buying an old and maybe rusting (10 years India did not use the planes). In my oppinion it is better to buy 12 brand new Suhoi 30KM wth modern rockets such as bunker buster bombs (=deplated Uranium bombs). Though the U.S.A is having both historical and contemporary obligation, it seems conscience and morality is dead in the American persona a very very long time ago. In fact I wonder if they ever had one. And for the reason while arming Egypt I don’t belive that they will sell patriot missiles to Ethiopia. And, for the reason though not battlefield tested as the patriot missile, Ethiopia must purchase about 100 S-300 surface to air-surface to land missiles (both for enemy jets trying to penetrate Ethiopian borders and for retaliation as a surface to land missile) Russia. Checking the weapons are geniune by the help of friends from China. Plus purchase medium range missiles with a range of upto 4500-5000 km equiped with a wide area and deep penetrationcapability from The Peoples Republic of China. All this will be in the range of 400-450 million dollars. And, if the country can afford to invest a little bit more then it can purcgase not twelve but 15 Suhoi 30KME (E- standing for Ethiopia as Su-30MKI- I stands for India.
This is not conformed by government of Ethiopia and i have believed, this is targeted to fuel the current situation and try to take the advantage to sale second hand outdated fighters.
It is a smart defensive move played at the right time. It is a good idea to continue modernizing our Air Force with the latest SU fighter variants to defend our air space from possible aggression from enemies. I hope SU-30 has far more additional fighting capabilities than that of the SU-27’s we already have.
እውነት የሚገዙ ከሆነ መልካም ጅምር ነው ነገር ግን እርግጠኛ ነህ ዳኒ?