Tag: Muslim Brotherhood
(MICHAEL GASPER and MOHAMED YOUSRY) In the immediate aftermath of the coup that deposed president.
Update: Indian news agency reported that: Witnesses say that Egyptian security forces have stormed a.
Jan. 25-Feb. 11, 2011 — Egyptians stage nationwide demonstrations against nearly 30 years of Mubarak’s.
Egypt’s armed forces handed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi a virtual ultimatum to share power on.
(Zeryhun Kassa) The construction of the Renaissance Dam is a major undertaking of Ethiopia to.
Egypt’s Arabic news outlet Elwata News reported that the intelligence community is dismayed by the.
[A reader of Danielberhane’s blog paid the required fee to make the following text available to Ethiopian readers]
Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam is the main theme of Egyptian newspapers on 29 May.
Today’s dailies highlight the news of diverting the Blue Nile course to build the dam on their front pages, with some papers describing it as an act of war or a move that requires a military reaction. The story is also the main focus of today’s editorials and commentaries, which are divided between attacking Ethiopia for building the dam and blaming Egypt’s policies for this situation.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn is the current chairman of the African Union (AU), elected.