The Global Society of Tigrean Scholars (GSTS) (ዓለም ለኸ ማሕበረሰብ ሙሁራን ትግራይ)
Quo Vadis Tigray? Building Knowledge-based Economy and Society in Tigray
Tigray Grand Conference – July 18-22, 2018, Mekelle, Ethiopia
The Global Society of Tigrean Scholars (GSTS), in partnership with the Government of Tigray National Regional State and the Tigray National Regional State Science and Technology Bureau, is organizing a grand conference entitled Quo Vadis Tigray? Building Knowledge-based Economy and Society in Tigray.
The conference, the first of its kind and scope, serves as enabling and inclusive platform to bring decision/policy makers, academia, businesses, professionals, civil societies, media experts and related stakeholders together to foster a collaborative dialogue on the development of Tigray region. More specifically, the conference will provide opportunities for participants to discuss relevant topics, share their personal experiences, and set priorities that would advance the region toward a knowledge-based sustainable economy and foster the development of dynamic society in Tigray.
The GSTS is pleased to invite submissions of papers for the conference to be held in Mekelle, 18-22 July 2018.
The conference is organized under five themes.
(1) Comparative and Absolute Advantages of Tigray: Identifying Key Development Opportunities and Challenges:
The sub-themes include: History and language matters; The geopolitical dynamics in the Horn of Africa and its implication to Tigray (Ethio-Eritrea border, the Red Sea coast and the recent inter-ethnic relations in Ethiopia); Recent socioeconomic developments and challenges; Comparative and absolute advantages of Tigray.
(2) Boosting Technological and Sectorial Capability in Tigray (Education, research and innovation; Civil service capacity; Health care services, Tourism, Urbanization, and Manufacturing/Investment etc.).
The sub-themes include: Navigating educational policies, practices and their contribution to the development endeavor of Tigray; Lessons from other countries and regions on education and health policies and services; Strengthening the STEM/STEAM of Tigray-based schools, colleges, and universities; The role of “Quad-helix” model in improving education and health care services and tackling pandemic related challenges; Boosting research, innovation and financing; the role of e-health and ICT.
(3) Boosting Enabling Technologies and Building Economic and Innovation Zones in Tigray (Emerging technologies; Industrial and agro-processing parks; Special economic zones, Entrepreneurship).
The sub-themes include: Lessons from other countries on the effective application of new and emerging technologies for development (material science, energy technologies, nanotechnology, biotechnology, Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and data); Experiences and lessons in developing industrial and agro-processing parks; Facilitating Industrialization and manufacturing capacity; Developing knowledge hubs including indigenous knowledge, science/technology parks, central research hubs/institutes; Smart cities and villages.
(4) Agricultural Transformation, Poverty reduction, Youth Employment and Women Empowerment (Agricultural and rural transformation; Land restoration; Youth employment and migration; Women empowerment etc.).
The sub-themes include: How to modernize the agricultural sector; The state of agriculture in Tigray and how to speed up successful agricultural transformation; Enhancing integrated and knowledge based restoration of degraded landscapes, Environment protection; Exploring the policy options for promoting non-farm rural economic activities; The role of “Quad-helix” model in boosting agricultural productivity (e.g. through government and industry supported research); The creation of well-paying, formal sector and productive employment opportunities to absorb the youth; Reducing youth migration; Gender, development and women empowerment.
(5) Tapping into the Scholars and Diaspora Knowledge: Scholars and Diaspora Knowledge Networks, Engagement and Connections.
The sub-themes include: Assessing global experiences, lessons learned and strategies to tap the potentialities of diaspora scholars and diaspora networks and implication for effective networking; Designing enabling policies and reforms to tap the huge potential of Tigrean scholars and diaspora; Centering Tigrean scholars and diaspora to the development processes of Tigray through networking and joint forums; Engaging scholars and diaspora in the knowledge development and translation of gained skills into the development endeavours of Tigray; Making Tigray a center of gravity and destination of intellectuals and entrepreneurs.
Submission guidelines:
- Submit a paper of no more than 8500 words, all inclusive
- Include an abstract of no more than 250 words and a maximum of 5 key words
- Identify the theme in which the submission best fits
- Identify clearly whether the submission is for oral or visual presentation
Submission Deadlines:
- Paper submission deadline April 29, 2018.
- Final decision on submissions will be communicated by May 31st.
*GSTS is developing its website which is expected to be launched end of April, 2018. Further information can be accessed from the website.
*Paper submissions have to be made both to: and Further communications will be made after the launching of the GSTS website
Tigray Grand Conference Organizing Committee