A Guest Author reflects on Ethiopian ruling party EPRDF’s Metekakat plan- the generational leadership transition plan of the ruling party adopted in June, 2009 – intended to replace the “old generation” of leaders by new once by 2015.
(By: T. Y.)
There is a saying that says <success without a successor is failure in disguise> . And I believe it is true. I also think that is what EPRDF is considering when dealing with the “Metekakat” issue. For me, “Metekakat” should focus on passing on the vision, passion, perspectives and methods to a next generation so that what has been started will continue further amidst new challenges.
“Metekakat” is not a Chinese party concept nor is it a test of democracy. It is an eternal leadership principle that exists from Biblical times. There should always be “Metekakat” whether in an organization, a party or a country to have a natural and even dynamic progress of a certain success.
Take Apple, the global electronic and IT giant. The organization under the leadership of the deceased Chief Technology Officer , Steve Jobs, created the ipod, iphone and ipad and caused a global stir in information communication technologies. Now Apple is facing big competition from Samsung . The question that is being raised at present is does Apple now have what it had in Steve Jobs? Rephrased <did Apple “Metekat” Steve Jobs? >
When we come to the “Metekakat” issue and EPRDF we need to first ask what the successes of the party are. What were the principles behind them? What methods did they apply? What is it that needs to be passed on ? Is it the success in the armed struggle, the political ideology , the national vision ..
The second question to be asked is how to pass the success to the next generation. PM Meles was describing the EPRDF journey as a rally race, where the baton is passed from one runner to the next. In a rally race much attention is placed at how the baton is passed and received. Failure to correctly pass the baton or receive it may result in defeat or even disqualification.
The third and mandatory question in “Metekakat” will be to whom to pass the baton to. In a rally race this question will deal with the stamina of the next runner, the running style required in that round etc. So is the same in party leadership. Who has that internal quality: vision, passion and perspective to finish the next round?
EPRDF is now at a mandatory and challenging stage of passing the baton. The wrong person the wrong way just means the ruin of forty years of hard, sacrificial work.
The author, with the pen name, T. Y., is a regular reader of this blog. Though he sent this commentary as a feedback, we decided to publish it with his permission. He can be reached at ytazabi@yahoo.com.
Koldaa(Ilkaan gara Raasa Dabe)
“No matter what happens, always be yourself”
A certain O.P.D.O of a Woyane had to learn that lesson the hard way. She /he longed to be a singer. But her/his face was her/his misfortune .O.P.D.O had a large mouth and protruding buck teeth. When O.P.D.O first sang in public in Woyane night club O.P.D.O tried to pull down her upper lip to cover her teeth. O.P.D.O tried to act “glamorous”. The result?. O.P.D.O made itself ridiculous.
However, there was a man in this night club who heard the O.P.D.O sing and thought she had talent. “See here”, he said bluntly, “I’ve been watching your performance and I know what it is you are trying to hide. You are ashamed of your teeth”. The O.P.D.O was embarrassed, but the man continued “what of it? Is there any particular crime in having buck teeth? Don’t try to hide them! Open your mouth
O.P.D.O waste 21 years worrying/c to be like Woyane. The science of genetics informs Us that you are what you are largely as a result of 24 chromosomes contributed by your father and 24 chromosomes contributed by your mother. These 48 chromosomes comprise everything that determines what you inherit. In each chromosome of O.P.D.O there be, says Meles Zenawi
Even after O.P.D.O mother and father (T.P.L.F) met and mated, there was only one chance in 300,000 million that the person who is specifically O.P.D.O would be born! In other words, if you had 300,000million brothers and sisters, they might have all been different from O.P.D.O.If you like to read more about it, go to your Woyane library and borrow a book entitled O.P.D.O and T.P.L.F, by Meles Zenawi
I can talk with conviction about this subject of being yourself b/c I feel deeply about it. I know what I, am talking about. I know from bitter and costly experience.
Be Waaqeffataa Of Oromo which makes Oromo One
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