(Ahmed Deeq Hussein)
Ethiopian peoples, nations, and nationalities have been enjoying stable, peaceful, and co-existence for last 25 years with ethnic based federalism and under governance of 1995 constitution of Federal Democrat republic of Ethiopia.
Today’s Ethiopia is one of fastest economic growing nation and registered double-digit economic growth for last fifteen years. The country has achieved major transformational development projects such as the inaugurated Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway project as of October 5, 2016. While other vital transformation projects are ongoing to be accomplished in the coming few years; such as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam construction and the Ogaden Natural Gas export project, and many other development projects. Moreover, the country is advancing every day in information and military technology, industries, small factories, transportation facilities, agriculture, water, Health care, education etc.
Ethiopia was the most stable and peaceful country in the sub-Saharan African countries for the last two decades, while contributing for the security stabilization and peacekeeping missions of the countries suffering with conflict in the horn of Africa region and the rest of Africa. The country has recorded a pivotal role in external affairs and diplomatic arenas.
For instance, Ethiopia have become a member state of non-permanent UN Security Council for the first time in this year. The country designed and developed investment and diaspora policies that investors would create enabling conducive environment for investors, both Ethiopian (diaspora and locals) and foreigners. As a result, many foreigners are investing currently in Ethiopia with mega projects that would contribute country’s transformation and economic development goals.
External interests to destabilize Ethiopia
As a matter of fact, the protests that initially were carried out sporadically in few areas of Oromo and Amhara regions might be due to certain internal concerns that the respective regional state have failed address properly. Thus, the enemies of Ethiopia both external countries and anti-peace, racist and chauvinist groups have gotten an opportunity to play a key role in fueling the internal issues up to the level that can lead the country into destructive violence which is golden advantage for enemy.
No doubt, that Egypt would use any opportunity they get to stop the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project. Through sponsoring millions of dollars for anti-peace and terrorist groups in order to sensitize, advocate and mobilize a young people of Oromo through social media (Facebook) to induce inter-ethnic hostilities, destructive violence, destabilize the country and to erupt civil war with aim of impeding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam construction.
Eritrea’s hostility towards Ethiopia is a like business as usual, and there are other under beneath big power countries exacerbating the case of Ethiopia due to Ogaden natural gas related issues and economic development relation that Ethiopia has with China which is based on mutual win-win strategies.
The big power countries are not open about their intentions on Ethiopia. However; based on past experiences, we are familiar that they apply a common formula: Whenever an African country is on the verge of exporting oil/natural gas, it faces a purposely induced political crisis.
The Contradicting and Controversial demands for OLF, Ginbot 7 and Derge remnants
Certainly, it is well-recognized that the anti-federalism alliance of Oromo Liberation Front, Ginbot 7 and Derg remnants, who are based in western cities, is intentionally disseminating propaganda through social media and other media outlets of foreign countries. In order to dismantle the ethnic based federalism and trample on national constitution of the country, they are acting in concert with aim of destabilizing the country’s peace and stability, funded by the historic enemies of Ethiopia “Egypt” and Eretria.
Perhaps, these chauvinist, terrorists, and anti-federalism elements can only ally and agree in promoting inter-ethnic hostility, destructive violence, and to erupt civil war across the country, nothing else. Because, when you critically scrutinize their political demands are extremely controversial and contradicting to each other. For example, OLF claims that they are fighting freedom for Oromo people, while other Oromo opposition is demanding to rule the overall power of the country and make the Oromo language a national language of Ethiopia.
Whereas, Ginbot 7 and Derg remnants are demanding to resume one centralized government with one language, one religion, and one dominant ethnic-nationalist. Thus, it is the centralized government – that would determine all issues at higher level. In short, to resume old system of Derg junta that based on discrimination, subjugation, atrocious, nepotism and one ethnic superiority than all others which cannot be accepted to realize their political delusions in the era of 21st century.
I do not think it is possible to harmonize these two too extreme contradicting ideologies such as freedom fighters and those demanding one centralized government. Apparently, it is this conflicting and contradicting view that lies beneath the alliance of OLF, ONLF, Ginbot 7 and the Derg remnants. There is nothing that they can agree these groups except to destroy the country.
Furthermore, It’s very obvious as white sheet that some people from Oromo and Amhara origins are organized through ethnic based ideology by the foreign countries and sponsored so as to ignite ethnic hostility. They agitated the young people of Oromo and Amhara regions, who are innocent and know nothing about hidden game, by telling them that you are majority group, gather your friends and conduct illegal protests against government and displace peoples of Tigrayan ethnicity. However, the Tigray people and TPLF had nothing to do with the problems of these particular ethnics and regions except that they sacrificed to ensure rights of all Ethiopian nations & nationalities.
Indeed, the Oromo region is administered by the people of Oromo, ruled by OPDO party, while Amhara region is also administered its people, and ruled by ANDM party. It is neither TPLF nor the Tigriay people that administer these two regions. These two ethnic groups are the largest – yes they are the largest Oromo is first and Amhara is second, and they are still governing their respective regions. But if the politicians from these two ethnic groups are aspiring to rule over other ethnic groups and regions, it is impossible and it will never happen in era of 21st century. But for sure the case of Ethiopia is not for Oromo, Amhara, Tigria, Somali, the SNNP or other ethnics. It is beyond that and its better Ethiopian people to open their eyes, look far and save their country.
There are genuine arguments and assumptions saying that: The Ethiopia uprising is exogenous and deliberately induced political chaos by external countries and is related how to halt a vital economic development transformation projects. Specifically, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam construction and the Ogaden Natural Gas export project. As many of our people believe, Egypt is playing great role to destabilize Ethiopia with the ultimate aim of halting the dam project. Egypt and Eritrea are key stakeholders to collaborate with anti-peace alliance to exacerbate the situation of Ethiopia to worst using our own young people as a tool of self- destruction.
Previously, Egypt was a hub of fundraising for ONLF from Arab countries and channeled via Eritrea to destabilize the eastern part of Ethiopia, particularly Ethio-Somali Region. That aim was to create the region in a situation to become a war zone in which the Ethiopia government could not able to take any progressive steps for Kalub natural Gas project to be utilized.
Now, the people of Ethio-Somali region differentiated what is good for and what is bad for them and realized peace and development is best option that people can exist generation to generation and solved their internal conflicts by themselves. Therefore, it has become very hard for Egypt to get a portion of the people of the region who can be dictated as per her interests to disrupt the region.
Therefore, Egypt mapped to identify alternative options and to find others who can be used as tool to fulfil the interest of Egypt. Finally, Egypt has achieved to obtain some People from Oromo and Amhara who reside in western countries and willing to destabilize Ethiopia as per Egypt’s wishes. Therefore, Egypt is currently using as tool part of Oromo and Amhara people to destroy and destabilize their country.
On the other hand, the federal government is working to respond the people’s questions regarding to democratic rights. The government admitted its shortcomings in good governance, unemployment, and related concerns. The ruling party EPRDF is working to make complete reform. Unfortunately, the people did not give adequate time for federal government to tackle internal issues pertinent to people’s questions for development and democratic rights. Instead, during last few days anti-peace elements organized and carried out a massive destruction of properties and lost lives in many areas of Oromo region that would desperately intolerable to destroy the properties, developmental institutions and destabilize the entire nation.
In this regard, the Council of Ministries of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia led by Prime Minister H.E. Hialemarian Desaleign has declared a State of Emergency of entire country for 6 months. Although this step is too late, but it is the only option to restore law and order, stabilize security and save the nation at this moment.
Finally, I would like to call the people of Ethiopia to wake up and save our country, our people and we should not be a tool of our enemies to destabilize and destroy our nation. When we stand together, our enemies would not stand a chance to harm our country even for a minute.
“We have to say our enemy BIG NO”
* The author Ahmed Deeq Hussein is an independent writer and analyst, based Jig-jiga, Ethio-Somali Region. He can be reached at ahmeddek2015@gmail.com
Ethiopia Federalism: Ethno-linguistic Federalism works perfectly in Switzerland Confederation, why not Ethno-linguistic Federalism Ethiopia ?????
❤Oromo nation ❤
❤Somali nation ❤ 9 millions, 2nd largest region ???✌
❤Tigrey nation ❤
❤Sidamo nation ❤
❤Afar nation ❤
EBC version of story written in English.Simply a crap that has no substance in it.Time will tell z truth.
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Very insightful,timely and relevant. Great piece of work. Wake up beautiful people of Ethiopia.