Oromo Protests

Official report admits hundreds killed in Oromia, Amhara regions

The recent protests and clashes in Oromia and Amhara regions cost hundreds of lives, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC)…

Updated|Breaking: Ethiopia: Senior Oromia official detained

The legislative organ of Ethiopia's largest region stripped the immunity of two officials and appointed new chiefs for the judiciary.…

Oromo students cannot sit for exam they never took classes and studied for!

Throughout Oromia, the teaching and learning processes have been interrupted for the last six months, starting November 12, 2015, to…

EPRDF’s options: Answer ‎OromoProtests‬‬ ‪or Risk Total Collapse

The Ethiopian government, i.e., the EPRDF, has two options: to either heed and answer the demands of the Oromo Protests and…

Ethiopia’s Oromo Problem: The Ministry of Culture is Just One Face of Many

(Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni) According to Ethiopia’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which is responsible for developing and promoting tourism…

PM’s statement on OromoProtests: More of the same

(Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni) The Ethiopian Prime Minister, in his midyear report to the Ethiopian federal parliament on Thursday, March…

What do Oromo protests mean for Ethiopian unity?

(James Jeffrey - BBC) The latest round of bloody protests over Oromo rights had a tragically surreal beginning. A bus…

Jawar Mohammed: ‘The scary image of Agazi needs to be reexamined’

Characterizing the Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF) as “Tigrean army” is a commonplace among the diaspora opposition. The exact composition…

Oromo Protests: The ultimate warning shot?

(René Lefort – OpenDemocracy) The culture of power is one of centralisation. But real federalism couldn’t be beyond reach. Oromya…

Text of EU Parliament resolution on situation in Ethiopia (2016/2520(RSP))

European Parliament resolution of 21 January 2016 on the situation in Ethiopia (2016/2520(RSP)) The European Parliament, – having regard to…

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