Economy & Business

Photo - Panning for gold in Arakwa river, Tigray, Ethiopia

New gold mines in Shire, Wollega, TuluKapi, as illicit trade rises

 (Kaleyesus Bekele - The Reporter) Three foreign and local mining firms are developing large scale gold mines in different parts…

Map - Isiolo, Marsabet, Moyale road, in LAPSSET corridor, Kenya

President Kenyatta commissions the Isiolo-Moyale highway

(CapitalFM - Kenya) President Uhuru Kenyatta commissioned the Kshs 42 billion (USD 400 million) Isiolo-Moyale road which connects Kenya to…

Photo - Abraham Tekeste (Phd), Ministry of Finance & Economic Cooperation

Ethiopia to focus on Public Private Partnership (PPP)

(Muluken Yewondwossen - Capital) Public private partnership (PPP) law will be one of the priority proclamations tabled for the parliament…

Image - Future Policy Award 2017

Ethiopia’s Tigray region nominated for an award for tackling land degradation

The 2017 Future Policy Award has released a shortlist of the world’s best policies for tackling land degradation, one of…

Photo - Ethiopian Birr

The Structure of Tax and Rationale of Recent Business Income Assessment in Oromia

(Teshome A.(PhD), OPEDC[1]) 1. Introduction The quality and strength of the government usually evaluated based on its ability in mobilizing…

Profile – Development Bank of Ethiopia

The Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) is a specialized development finance institution, operating since 1909 under various names. The Development…

Ethiopia: Days of strike against business tax subsides

Businesses in Oromia return to work after days of strike in Oromia and signs of spread to Addis Ababa, due…

Dance of the lions and dragons: How are Africa and China engaging and how will the partnership evolve?

(McKinsey’s Report) In a mere two decades, China has become Africa’s biggest economic partner. Across trade, investment, infrastructure financing, and…

First international remit pay service launched in Ethiopia

(IT News Africa) Mastercard and digital service provider Kifiya have partnered to introduce a digital solution that will ultimately allow citizens to…

Profile | Ethiopian Airlines

Ethiopian Airlines, abbreviated as Ethiopian, is the flag carrier of Ethiopia for the past seventy plus years. With 100 international and 21 domestic destinations,…