Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni

Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni
Map - Ethiopia-Oromia

OPDO should walk away from surrender agreement on Addis Ababa save full ownership

1/ What is the current status of Addis Ababa? For an outsider, Addis Ababa is the seat of the Ethiopian…

Photo - Ethiopian PM Hailemariam Desalegn [Credit: Addis Standard, Oct. 2015]

Will the protests of Gondar and Oromia help EPRDF quickly transform itself?

Except for the willful blindness and deafness of the EPRDF, the causes of the growing discontent in Gondar, Amhara Region,…

Photo - Britain leaving the European Union

Ethiopia’s Takeaway from Brexit

With the Britain deciding to leave the European Union (a.k.a. Brexit), the globalization agenda of a centralized control of world’s…

Oromo students cannot sit for exam they never took classes and studied for!

Throughout Oromia, the teaching and learning processes have been interrupted for the last six months, starting November 12, 2015, to…

Map - Ethiopia regional map

EPRDF’s options: Answer ‎OromoProtests‬‬ ‪or Risk Total Collapse

The Ethiopian government, i.e., the EPRDF, has two options: to either heed and answer the demands of the Oromo Protests and…

Chart - Top ten African languages

Ethiopia’s Oromo Problem: The Ministry of Culture is Just One Face of Many

(Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni) According to Ethiopia’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which is responsible for developing and promoting tourism…

PM’s statement on OromoProtests: More of the same

(Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni) The Ethiopian Prime Minister, in his midyear report to the Ethiopian federal parliament on Thursday, March…

Afan Oromo as the Federal Language: Building Common Policy Understanding

As we continue calling upon the Ethiopian government and the ruling EPRDF to immediately and unconditionally adopt Afan Oromo as…

10 Reasons why Afaan Oromo should be a federal working language

(Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni) Nowhere in the world has the government of the country refused to speak the language of the…