United Nations

UN Industrial Dev’t Org. expresses cautious optimism on Ethiopia’s economic strides

(Julia Rainer) With annual economic growth rates of over 10 percent and attractive investment conditions due to low infrastructural and…

Photo - ONLF (Ogaden People Liberation Front) fighters

UN report shows the Eritrea-ONLF-Shabaab terror nexus

Somalia's Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Shabaab and the Ethiopian rebel ONLF appear to have formed a logistical cooperation, as Eritrean support for…

UN report: Eritrea arms, trains ‘Ginbot 7’ rebel group

Eritrea continued to support at least three Ethiopian rebel groups including Ginbot 7, a United Nations' report indicated last week.…

UN report: Eritrea-backed rebel TPDM has tens of thousands fighters

United Nations' report indicated that Eritrea continued propping up Tigrai People’s Democratic Movement (TPDM) in violation of Security Council resolution…

Darfur: 3 Ethiopian peacekeepers killed, 4 allegedly abducted

Gunmen in Darfur kill three Ethiopian peacekeepers, a patrol vehicle and might have abducted another four. A patrol unit of…

UN: Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea blame the West for development, climate, UN reform

Kenya, Ethiopia and Eritrea seized the opportunity to point fingers at the West for the old developmental paradigm, the threats…

Eritrea: UN names a Commission of Inquiry to investigate rights abuses

United Nations' Human Rights Council appointed Mike Smith (Australia) and Victor Dankwa (Ghana) to serve in the Commission of Inquiry,…

Ethiopia: Recommendations of UN Human Rights Committee [Full text]

It is to be recalled that the United Nations Human Rights Committee held a questions and answer session last month…