United Nations

Briefing: Rich countries undermined FFD3 Conference

The Third UN Financing for Development Conference (FFD3) in Addis Ababa fell short of "the fundamental changes to the international…

Highlights: The new agreement in FFD3 Addis Ababa Conference

Countries on Wednesday agreed on a series of bold measures to overhaul global finance practices and generate investments for tackling…

What makes the FFD3 Conference in Addis a big deal?

“This year, we can make history by adapting an ambitious, sustainable development agenda and a universal climate agreement. But without…

In Addis, Geneva, Tel Aviv: Eritreans march to end torture, tyranny

Eritrean diaspora and refugees demonstrated in-front of at African Union (AU) Headquarters in Addis Ababa, at the United Nations' European…

Helicopter - Eritrean torture method

Eritrea’s 15 favorite methods of torture (+ pictures)

A United Nations report listed about 15 different methods of torture applied by the Eritrean regime. Descriptions and drawings of…

Map - Afar region in Eritrea

UN report: Massacre and mass graves of Eritrean Kunamas and Afars

A United Nations report implicates Eritrea of massacres targeting Kunama and Afar communities and the existence of mass graves. The…

10 Takeaways from UN report on Eritrea’s rights violations

A United Nation's report indicates the Eritrean regime committed "systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations [that] may constitute crimes…

Kenya, Ethiopia becoming heroin trafficking routes to Europe

EXPERTS are calling it the African “Smack Track”: a circuitous route to smuggle heroin from Afghanistan to Europe, passing through…

UNECA report: Neo-liberal diktat cost Africa decades

United Nations' Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has published it’s 2014 MDG Report 2014: “Assessing Progress in Africa toward the…

5 Facts No One Tells You About Africa

The power of media is so great that it can tell you a different reality about yourself and make you…