Andreas Eshete appointed PM advisor
Former President of Addis Ababa University, Professor Andreas Eshete, appointed as Advisor to the PM, Minister without portfolio. It has…
Former President of Addis Ababa University, Professor Andreas Eshete, appointed as Advisor to the PM, Minister without portfolio. It has…
Had there been an index of most gossiped persons in Ethiopia, Azeb Mesfin, wife of Premier Meles Zenawi, would be…
[The following text is from Daily Star. I will provide the details when the Ministry makes the report available online.]…
[The following text is posted by about two hours ago. I reposted it in solidarity with the Rgyptian youth…
ኢዴፓ ቅዳሜ ባወጣው መግለጫ 5ኛ ድርጅታዊ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤውን መጋቢት 11 ቀን 2003 ዓ.ም እንደሚያሂድ የገለፀ ሲሆን ጉባዔው የስራ ጊዜውን የጨረሰውን…
አንድነት ፓርቲ ከትላንት በስቲያ (አርብ) የፈረንጆቹን አዲስ ዓመት በማስመልከት መግለጫ አውጥቷል፡፡ መግለጫው ከአዲስ ዓመት መልካም ምኞቱ በቀር አዲስ ያዘለው ቁምነገር…
Where do Ethiopians go on the web? The list below provides an answer, according to the data from, a…
ይህ መግለጫ በኢትዮቻናል ጋዜጣ ረቡዕ እትም ታትሞ የወጣ ነው፡፡ እንደ አዲስነገርኦንላይን ዘገባ ከሆነ ይህ “የመኢአድ መፍትሄ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴ” የቀድሞ የመኢአድ…
The day will mark the Ethiopian Christmas celebration. R. Kelly, who won the Grammy Award in 1998, has been invited…
A new railroad network is one of the major components of the 5-year plan, as the brief document and press…
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