
US airstrike killed about 150 Al-Shabaab fighters

United States' Department of Defence disclosed on Monday an airstrike on Al Shabaab targets in Somalia. In a statement, the…

Map - Ethiopia regional map

Oromo Protests: The ultimate warning shot?

(René Lefort – OpenDemocracy) The culture of power is one of centralisation. But real federalism couldn’t be beyond reach. Oromya…

Exclusive| Abay Tsehaye: Oromos know who robbed, maltreated them

Ethnic baiting targeting TPLF and Tigrayans in connection with the protests in Oromia is a diversionary tactic, said Minister Abay…

Photo - Oromo protests 2015

Why Ethiopia is making a historic ‘master plan’ U-turn

(Mathias Muindi - BBC Monitoring) A controversial plan by the Ethiopian government to expand the capital, Addis Ababa, is set…

Ethiopia: Ruling party announced full rollback on Addis Ababa ‘master plan’ after deadly protests

The ruling party of Ethiopia's largest region, Oromia, announced full roll back on the proposed master plan of Addis Ababa…

Briefing: What next for the Burundi peace process?

(Samuel Okiror - IRIN) Talks aimed at a settlement to Burundi’s violent political divide are due to start in neighbouring…

US shuts down its drone base in Arba Minch, Ethiopia

(Kaleyesus Bekele - Ethiopian Reporter) The United States Air Force (USAF) has shut down its drone base in Arba Minch…

On Eritrea, Lesson for Ethiopia from Russia-Ukraine relations

(Haile Tessema) It’s not new for a country that has achieved its independence to have a hostile relation with the…

Ethiopia: Weeks-long Protests slid into a Security Crisis

The weeks-long protests in Ethiopia's largest region Oromia slid into a security crisis costing the lives of civilians and officers.…

Woliso, A day at a hotspot of Oromo Protests

Just 120 Km drive from Addis Ababa, there is Woliso town, South West Shewa zone of Oromia region - one…