MEDREK party

Map - Nationalities in northern Ethiopia [published by Derg regime]

VOA Spending American Tax Dollars in Fomenting Unrest in Ethiopia

The past two months were high time for Anti-Ethiopian groups. The El Nino drought and the unrest in Oromia state…

Chart - Ethiopian 2015 election - regional level data

Infographics: How Ethiopia voted in 2015

The number of votes EPRDF and its allies, which amassed all federal and state legislative seats, received is around 95%,…

Ethiopia: Ruling party, allies win all seats and ~ 95% of the votes

Update: Further extrapolation of the data show the EPRDF and its allies amassed almost 31 million (about 95%) of the…

Infographic | In Addis Ababa, EPRDF got 2/3rd of the Popular Votes

The Ethiopian ruling party, EPRDF, amassed all the legislative seats whose results are announced so far. Last Wednesday, the National…

Wikileaks | Merera Gudina a ‘reliable source’ on bombing incidents

A leaked cable of US Embassy Addis Ababa discusses a small bomb incident that took place in the Ethiopian Capital…