
Minister Bereket Simon speaking about PM Meles Zenawi

The arrest of Bereket Simon is illegal: Here is why

Amhara region's special force captured Bereket Simon in his house in Addis Ababa on Wednesday morning and took him to…

Image - China Africa Cooperation

The great game in the Horn of Africa

The Horn of Africa appears to be gearing towards a new order set off by a global competition of strategic…

Reports of airstrike in west Oromia

(Lammii Beenyaa) Sources told me that Jaal Marroo, the Western Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) commander was targeted in the weekends…

Image - Ethiopian and Eritrean flags

Ethiopia & Eritrea Perspectives: Survival and Security in Geopolitics of the Red Sea

(Amanuel T Muhzun) Solid economic and social stability has been one of the major objectives of concern for the last…

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Ethnic Based Party Systems and Democratic Stability: Implications for Ethiopia

(Abdissa Zerai, PhD) According to Edmund Burke (as cited in Sartori, 2005, p. 8), a political party is understood as…

Image - Ethiopian and Eritrean maps

Sustainable Peace for Ethiopia and Eritrea: Beyond Borders (Statement from Concerned Scholars and Civic Societies)

Sustainable Peace For Ethiopia And Eritrea: Beyond Borders A Statement from Concerned Scholars and Civic Societies This statement is prepared…

The Legitimacy of EPRDF’s decision on the Algiers Agreement and Border Ruling: Fuzzy, Illicit, Maneuver And Incomplete Retreat

(Zeray Weldesenbet) On June 05, 2018, the EPRDF politburo publicly and officially declared that Ethiopia has accepted both the Algiers agreement…

Ethio -Eritrea peace deal crucial for regional stability

Introduction As history tells us from 1962 to 1993, Eritrea was ruled as a province of Ethiopia, and the two…

On the Ethio-Eritrean “Normalization”: Cautiously Optimistic

(Tekleab Shibru - PhD, Associate Prof. of Geomatics, Chicago State University) Since the Ethio-Eritrean war ended in June 2000, there has…

Pluralism is not a Fault-line

(Dejene H.) In this incidence, the author prefers the term plurality to diversity because the latter may conjure up poles…