Aid and Loan

Somaliland: President appeals for drought assistance and relief aid

Somaliland’s President Ahmed Mahmoud Silanyo has issued an appeal for drought relief aid. In a statement released from Hargeisa he…

Brief | The new US strategy toward sub-Saharan Africa

On June 14, 2012, the White House announced a new U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa that provides a proactive and…

Ethiopia: Safe water – a glass half full

More than half of all Ethiopians have access to an improved source of drinking water, but the country still has…

US Senate to ban aid to Kenya military, police | The Star

Highlights: * “The Committee directs the Secretary of State to take steps to ensure that no US training, equipment, or…

Ethiopia: World Bank approved $50 mil for Women Entrepreneurs

Quotes from the text: * According to recent estimates, in addition to creating employment for women in the economic sectors,…

Ethiopia: British media fuels aid apathy | Horn of Africa drought

At a time when about 12 million people in the horn of Africa suffer from the worst drought in 60…

11plus blunders in BBC, TBIJ report of Ethiopia’s aid misuse

Two British news outlets made headlines last week when they published a story on Ethiopia claiming it is a product…

Somalia: Al-Shabaab divided on aid ban

Following media claims that Al-Shabaab, the Al-Qaeda linked terrorist group, lifted its ban on aid agencies, the group's spokesperson denied…

British Ambassador ‘not happy’ with Ethiopia’s political governance

Addis Fortune had an interesting interview with British ambassador to Ethiopia, Norman Ling. The interview raises several important issues from…

Horn Of Africa: “5 Million Driven Into Hunger” | World Food Programme

The number of hungry people in the Horn of Africa is growing and WFP aims to assist 5.2 million people…