
Nile: Saudi renounces remarks against Ethiopia's dam

Senior Saudi Arabia officials distanced themselves from the hostile remarks made by Prince Khaled bin Sultan in the last week…

Morsi: there are enemies for Egypt, Sudan integration

Egyptian President Morsi conducted a 24 hour visit. His visit included an appearance at Al-Noor mosque in Khartoum, where he said:…

Vilifying Ethiopia's Villagization program: More unsubstantiated claims

Ethiopia’s villagization program has become a favorite subject for politically motivated critiques by advocacy organizations and human rights groups who…

Nile: South Sudan and regional consensus on the Nile waters

"South Sudan does not recognize, and I underline does not recognize, the content of the 1959 [Nile Water] agreement". These…

South Sudan rejects pro-Egypt Nile water treaties

South Sudan has expressed its opposition to a 1959 Nile Water agreements between Sudan and Egypt. The country said it…

Ethiopian Herald| Saudi Prince a 'wanna-be proxy agent' [print version]

[Note: I had published this article on this blog on Saturday, titled "Saudi Prince a ‘wanna-be proxy agent’| Ethiopian Herald".…

Saudi Prince a ‘wanna-be proxy agent’| Ethiopian Herald[print version]

Last Thursday, I posted on Facebook and Twitter a screen-shot of the website of the state-owned newspaper Ethiopian Herald and…

Nile | Campaign on Ethiopia's dam: Old wine, new bottles

Various media outlets have released negative reports concerning the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) over the past…

Ethiopian Herald Op-Ed tells Saudi Prince what "everyone with half a brain knows"

"The argument “because the dam is being built near Sudan” wouldn’t hold water unless you have a little knowledge about…

Corporation discloses Addis Ababa light rail project detail

Ethiopian Railways Corporation (ERC) revealed details of the Addis Light Rail Project around Adwa and St.  Abune Petros squares, which…

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