Daniel Berhane

Daniel Berhane
Minister Bereket Simon speaking about PM Meles Zenawi

The arrest of Bereket Simon is illegal: Here is why

Amhara region's special force captured Bereket Simon in his house in Addis Ababa on Wednesday morning and took him to…

Clip art - social media tools

Ethiopia stops filtering hundreds of websites, says official

Ethiopian government removed the blockade on hundreds of websites, including ESAT and OMN, announced a government official. "Freedom of expression…

Map - Irob woreda, Tigray

Ethiopia: Protest rally cancelled after threats of violence

Irob people's rally planned for Sunday in to protest the possible break-up of their community by the Ethio-Eritrea border ruling…

Map - Ethiopia Eritrea border - Tsorena clash area

Ethiopia ‘fully accepts’ the rulings of the Ethio-Eritrea Border Commission ‘with conviction and without hesitance’

Ethiopia "fully accepts" the rulings of the Ethio-Eritrea Border Commission and will "work for its implementation with conviction and without…

Breaking: Ethiopia to embark on major privatization drive

Ethiopia's ruling party decided to undertake massive privatization of major manufacturing and service provider enterprizes. The decision was made in…

Ethiopia to release Melaku Fenta and 136 other detainess

Ethiopian government to release or withdraw charges on 137 individuals and firms who have been charged on allegations of corruptions…

PM Abiy Ahmed’s new appointees and their previous posts

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made 25 appointments today. A new Speaker was elected for the House of Peoples' Representatives.…

Ethiopia declares State of Emergency amid sporadic unrests and ethnic attacks

Ethiopia decreed today a 6 months State of Emergency. The decree came after months of sporadic protests, ethnic attacks and…

Ethiopian PM resigns amid uncertain succession

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn announced his intent to resign today. The announcement came after an emergency session of the…

TPLF expelled two Central Committee members

TPLF Central Committee expelled two members and reprimanded another four in its meeting yesterday. The expelled members of the Central…