Ethiopian Review

Ethiopia: Court orders Elias Kifle et al to defend terror charges

Court orders defendants in Elias Kifle case to defend charges The Federal Court ordered on Monday all five defendants in…

Read the 1993 Ethio-Egypt Accord | Share your view

Make a firsthand reading of the July 1993 'Framework for General Co-operation Between the Arab Republic of Egypt and Ethiopia'…

Ethiopian-review is caught lying, is Alemayehu G. Mariam an accomplice?

On Nov. 23/2010 Ethiopian review posted a story about Karuturi Global investment in Ethiopia, titled ‘Indian agribusiness devastates western Ethiopia(photo/video)’.…

A Snapshot of Haile G/selassie Twitter account, as it appeared on Nov15/2010

NY Times owes Apology to Ethiopia’s First Lady

It is not difficult to imagine Jeré Longman’s eagerness to explain the cause of Haile’s decision. With this zeal, he…