PM Meles Zenawi’s health: How critical could it be?

By now, talks about the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s health could not be dismissed as mere rumors. Of course, the rumor…

Speculations on PM Meles Zenawi's health | Fortune Gossip

The English weekly, Addis Fortune, shaded some light on the health of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, in its gossip column…

Wikileaks | Opposition leaders: Meles Zenawi isn’t that dominant

You must have heard opposition politicians claiming Ethiopia as a one man rule. Yes, you heard them right. That is…

Wikileaks: Ethiopia: TPLF is ‘Not a one man show’

A leaked Cable of US Embassy Addis Ababa, classified as 'Confidential' and dated June 2007, claims that: PM Meles took…

Text of Wuchale Treaty | 1889 Ethio-Italian Treaty

Treaty of friendship and trade between the kingdom of Italy and the Empire of Ethiopia (Treaty of Wuchale) His Majesty…

A misplaced advice as ‘the other-side of the Ginbot 20 celebrations’

[By Fetsum Berhane] I accidentally came across an article is titled "Celebrating Ginbot 20: Two Sides of the Same Story"…

Map - Nationalities in northern Ethiopia [published by Derg regime]

Reality-check: Tigray annexed Amhara lands?

You must have heard the allegation that 'Tigray annexed Amhara lands'. That is mainly in reference to the four Woredas(districts) that…

EHRC: Arena-Tigray party candidate murder probe [March 2010 Report]

In the run-up to the May 23/2010 election, Arena-Tigray party alleged a politically motivated murder of one its members. The…

New Security Advisor Appointed, State Media Skipped the News

Since Oct. 5/2010, PM Meles Zenaiw appointed 30 Ministers(including 10 Ministers without Portfolio), 49 State Ministers(including Prof. Tekalegn Mammo Advisor…

BBC Apologizes for Alleging ‘Aid Spent on Weapons’ [full text]

BBC apologized today for its unfounded report that alleged millions of pounds raised for famine relief in Ethiopia had been…