Africa – General

Aims of Somalia Conference 2013 – London, United Kingdom

The Governments of the UK and Somalia will co-host an international conference on Somalia on 7 May in the UK.…

President Obama, Republicans agree to ditch DV Lottery

(Ivan Couronne) Africans could be the big losers as the United States reforms its immigration laws and eliminates the green…

Nile | China provides $1 billion for Renaissance dam Transmission lines

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam-Dedesa-Holeta 500 KV Power Transmission Project has been signed between Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo) and…

Ethiopia-France| Pres. Hollande, PM Hailemariam – Joint Press Briefing

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegne made its first bilateral visit out of Africa this week to France, where he met French…

PM Hailemariam's visit: Statements by EU Commissioner & President

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegne met European Union officials in Brussels, Belgium, this week. Here are the press statement made…

Nile | Ethiopia pokes Egypt taking the last step to ratify CFA

Ethiopian Parliament referred the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) to its Standing committee on Thursday, bringing  the ratification one session…

Africa in Motion: The crucial role of Addis Ababa [French media]

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn is the current chairman of the African Union (AU), elected at the 20th summit of…

Map| Obama budgets more for Kenya, Ethiopia – less for the Sudans

Last week, the Obama administration released its international affairs budget request for fiscal 2014. Amid fiscal constraints in Washington, the…

Foreign Minister calls for condemnation of Graziani memorial

Ethiopian Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adhanom has called on the international community and AU states to condemn the erection of…

South Africa – Ethiopia Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting

The third meeting of the South Africa- Ethiopia Joint Ministerial Commission was held in Durban on Thursday (March 28th)  2013,…

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