
Image - Ethiopian and Eritrean flags with a dove

Ethio -Eritrea peace deal crucial for regional stability

Introduction As history tells us from 1962 to 1993, Eritrea was ruled as a province of Ethiopia, and the two…

Map - Ethiopia Eritrea border - Tsorena clash area

On the Ethio-Eritrean “Normalization”: Cautiously Optimistic

(Tekleab Shibru - PhD, Associate Prof. of Geomatics, Chicago State University) Since the Ethio-Eritrean war ended in June 2000, there has…

Image - Ethiopian flag clip art

Pluralism is not a Fault-line

(Dejene H.) In this incidence, the author prefers the term plurality to diversity because the latter may conjure up poles…

No moral or political justification to verbally attack, never mind physically harm, Daniel Berhane!

(Haile Tessema) If there were open-mindedness and fairness in Ethiopia, Daniel Berhane wouldn’t be pigeonholed as pro this or against…

Image - Cart before the horse clipart

The cart before the horse

(Gaper) Ethiopia has embarked on unprecedented 'reform' in the last two months with Abiy Ahmed assuming leadership of the governing…

With diminished legitimacy, President Bihi resembles Mayor of Hargeisa

(Abdi Shakur Mohamed) The peoples of Somaliland voted in the presidential election held on 13 Nov 2017. When the election…

Striking a Grand Elite Bargain on the Terms of Our Coexistence: The Fierce Urgency of Now

(Abdissa Zerai (PhD) Introduction From ancient philosopher kings, such as the Biblical King Solomon, up to contemporary influential scholars, writers,…

Ethiopia's New Leader: So far so good, but mountains still to climb

(Ann Fitz-Gerald - RUSI) Dr Abiye Ahmed is Ethiopia’s new head of the federal government. He has already approved a…

Partial privatisation, EPRDF’s Economic Reform 101: Killing two birds with one stone

(Tsega Menkir) The thirty-six strong executive members of Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Party (EPRDF), the only party that has been…

Inflation, a painful threat to Somaliland People

Somaliland is a nation on the Horn of Africa that has been running its affairs independently and nears to be…