Ethiopia: Gay-bashing, to what end?

Last December, Addis Ababa hosted the 16th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2011). It was a grand event that attracted about 10,000 guests, including former US President George W. Bush.

As it is common with such international events, it was preceded by pre-conference events. One of those was a three days workshop, plus a one day meeting, organized by African Men for Sexual Health and Rights(AMSHER) -  a coalition of African -based and -led MSM (Men who have sex with Men) organizations.

Local Christian and Muslim leaders, however, sought to prevent the event, which they dubbed a ‘homosexuals meeting’.

To that effect they called a joint press conference a few days earlier, though they cancelled it and told the journalists to go home, after an hour long closed meeting with the Minister of Health, Dr. Tewodros Adhanom.

Still, the incident led Jupiter Hotel, which had already received installments, to cancel its contract, thereby forcing Amsher to relocate the event to ECA (UN Economic Commission for Africa) conference hall. Reportedly, an anti-gay demonstration was intended for that day.

It is not clear what the religious leaders really wanted.

ICASA 2011 was an international event – of which Ethiopia was just a host. Thus, it would be convened as it would be elsewhere. (Note that the about 200 participants of Amsher’s event were gathered from 25 countries, among which a handful are Ethiopians.)

In fact, LGBTs(Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &Transgender) are the next front in the fight against HIV/AIDS and STIs – Sexually Transmitted Infections, as recent statistics indicate.

Thus, Amsher’s pre-conference gathering ‘to increase attention on MSM/LGBTI and HIV related issues in Africa, to reflect on the state of the response in MSM communities on the continent, and to identify ways forward for scaling up MSM and HIV interventions’ squarely fits with ICASA 2011 – which is supposed to serve as ‘a forum for exchange of scientific knowledge, experiences and best practices in Africa and around the globe in all dimensions of HIV/AIDS and STIs…..[and] as a platform for sharing of progress towards universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in the continent’.

It is no secret that Amsher wants the de-criminalization of same-sex practices. But, so do several presenters and participants of ICASA 2011, which had a session focused on LGBTs issue.

Not to forget the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who spoke against ‘discrimination based on sexual orientation’ in the African Union last month in Addis Ababa.

If the religious leaders don’t wish to see any conference on LGBTs in Ethiopia, then they will have to oppose not only the ICASA conference itself but also Ethiopia’s hosting of several other international events.

Banning any discussion sympathetic to same-sex practices is the ultimate demand of the religious leaders.

Unfortunately, the Ethiopian websites and private press saw no problem with it. In fact, they referred  to Amsher’s event as ‘a homosexuals meeting in the pretext of a pre-conference event’.

The religious leaders didn’t need a ‘pretext’, in 2008, to attend a three-day conference by ‘United for Life Ethiopia’ and petition lawmakers for a Constitutional ban and a death sentence(?) for same-sex practices. Apparently, they were not satisfied with the current law which stipulates up to three years imprisonment for ‘homosexual acts’ between two consenting adult.

Why would ‘a pretext’ be needed to discuss whether it is appropriate to police the bedrooms of consenting individuals?

Usually, Ethiopian media and NGOs often insist that an exchange of idea regarding terrorist organizations should not be taken as supporting terrorism. It is a paradox how they supported, or remained silent, when a  discussion on same-sex practice was publicly flogged.

How come gay-bashing topped the religious leaders’ agenda?

As there is literally no pro-LGBT movement in the country and the government sees ‘no possibility of changing the law on this subject at present’, as its representatives told the UN Human Rights Committee last July.

Plus, gays and lesbians make up only 2-4% of the population in most countries – even where it has been legal for several decades. One wonders what was all the fuss about the ‘spreading of homosexuality’ in the absence of any data to back it up. In fact, the Ethiopian population is conservative enough, it needs no more agitation.

Interestingly, the gay-bashing was a rare moment of unity for the religious organizations whose inter-organization and intra-organization relations are marred by dispute. For once, they were able to speak in one voice. Some of them even organized a joint prayer event at the International Evangelical Church in Addis.

This reminded me of President Barak Obama’s comment, in his book, The Audacity of Hope, that:

“when I read the Bible, I do so with the belief that it is not a static text, but the living Word, and that I must be continually open to new revelations. Whether they come from a lesbian friend or a Doctor opposed to abortion. All too often I have sat in a church and heard a pastor use gay bashing as a cheap parlor trick. It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, he would shout usually when the sermon is not going well”.

Ironically, it appears the religious leaders’ move to condemn a sexual practice – which they consider foreign imported – is prompted by NGOs affiliated to US right wing groups, who wished to use an international venue.

But this imported agenda is not without serious consequences, as observed in the case of Uganda where religious leaders inflamed the public.

The account of a 26 year old Ugandan gay, who recently fled his home, indicates how anti-gay campaigns organized by US-linked organizations, and the consequent call for legal and media campaigns, ended up inflaming the public.

The story reported this month by Agence France Presse(AFP) states:

In Kampala, people "did not know we [gays] existed" until a member of parliament in 2009 proposed strengthening the law against homosexuality, which could already lead to a life sentence in prison.

"People demonstrated against us, told us we were not human beings. We could not buy from shopkeepers," recounted John, 26.

But worse was to come.

A screaming tabloid headline encouraged its readers to "hang" homosexuals and in October 2010 published the names, photos and addresses of more than 20 gays, including those of the couple.

"People started disappearing," said John, who was beaten up several times.

Then Paul was attacked.

"I was watching a film when I heard a lot of noise," said the well-built 24-year-old. "People had broken into my place, armed with stones, sticks and machetes."

John, who was on his way to his boyfriend’s home, fled when he saw the attackers.

"To me he was dead," he remembers thinking of his partner.

Paul owes his life to the intervention of the police, who however immediately jailed him. "I was physically abused, beaten, bleeding from everywhere," he recounted with difficulty.

His friend David Kato, a gay activist, intervened to get him freed.

Paul, whose home had been trashed and who no longer dared set foot in his three electronics shops, kept on hoping the situation would improve.

That is until Kato was brutally murdered just over a year ago, found bludgeoned to death at home outside Kampala on January 26, 2011.

The killing sparked widespread international condemnation, including from Obama who decried such crimes as "unconscionable" and said: "LGBT rights are not special rights; they are human rights."

After Kato’s murder, Paul decided to join John who had gone into hiding in Busia, near the Kenyan border.

Whatever the motive of the recent gay-bashing in Ethiopia may be, it is of paramount importance that opinion makers note that the life and safety of individuals is at stake.

In fact, they have yet to convince us if there is a real need for an American-styled media circus on the issue.

View Comments (13)

  • daniel berhane fuck you, you blog your whole damn crew with a donkey dick i hpoe you suck it you homo bastard i heard BERHANE DANIEL LIKES IT UP HIS ANUS you pervert suck my dick ohh you would like that huh bitch suck a donkeys cock may be desalegns the doney you brough when you fagot crew entered addis ababa in 1983 byotch.

  • fuck u daniel berhan your blog i i feel like you are on the side of the motherfuckers if know what i mean bith so the question is are you a motherfucker? u know who the mother is let me give you a hint incase you are retarded its starts with eth .... bastards enante nacheu bushitiwochu

    • we all humans who r u to judge only the almighty can judge not u bitches and our society is fucked up big time suppressive attitudes towards sexual orientation and own sexual needs thats messed up y'all suppression only leads to out break at some point and u bitches cant do shit about it by ''bitches'' im referring to conservative prude fuckes who fucked up our glorious history and social economic standards..

  • I think the due day is reaching! That is why we r worring for futile issues.i say to geys and non geys,live your own life .don't give any judgment! Who empowred u? Do u investgate the work of god. Who are we insult? Curse? Condomn? Even wish to kill? Is 't our power? But priests of god have given power to condomn.peace!

  • Gay rights? Is it a question of morality or a basic right of human beings? If it is a question of morality, religious leaders in Ethiopia are in a deep trouble. Every day they see the poor, the destitute and the vulnerable and oppressed but kept their mouth shut. Since they -themselves are part of the powers that dominate and oppress and exploit the poor, they cannot see what they are part of. The fact is - religious leaders have always been cosy with the political powers and have always benefited from the parasitic relationship between the palace and religion, this seriously undermines their capacity to speak about moral issues in society. On the other hand, if gay-rights are considered as a matter of basic human rights, every one - whether the government, or religious leaders or individual actors should stand on solidarity to protect and insure the rights of individuals are not violated. In this regard, the religious leaders - instead of marginalizing the already marginalized group - should work to protect the rights of these on the margins. It is ironic that the different religious leaders have now got a common scapegoat to condemn - at the same time hiding from the big issues of justice, peace and economic distribution that have now affect the ethiopian society. Similarly The West has no moral credibility to speak on whether african countries should keep the rights of gays. It is totally hypocritical that they consider themselves the bearers of the highest ideals of human rights, while right in their territories they keep marginalizing the immigrant, bashing the gays -especially in the US, and exploiting the rest of the world in order to fatten themselves. It is sick to see them preaching human rights to the rest of the world!!! So what!!! one can question. my idea is that we all are bigoted and prejudiced against anyone who is different from us. We always work hard to dominate and exploit the one we consider different. This is a human condition, and it can be solved not by marginalizing, scapegoating or killing the one who is different. The best way to destroy your enemy is to make him a friend say the egyptians. Can we please stop this collective hegemony against minorities - whether sexual, or ethnic or social, and start to see human beings as the true bearers of the image of God. No matter their flaws human beings are still the most important creatures and no one should dehumanize them in the name of religion or politics. In fact one message that is hiding behind the major religions is to love your enemy - either your moral, or social or, cultural or ethnic or national or whatever enemy you have - love your enemy is the ultimate commandment -this includes loving gays, lesbians and transexuals....

  • Dani,
    Thank you for a great post.
    Our hipocracy will continue to ensure that we are victimized..because, as long as we are willing to stifle the freedom of our fellow countrymen under the banner of religion, ethnicity or whatever, then there will always be someone to divide and conquer us.

    I stand for my homosexual brothers and sisters as much as I stand for any other Ethiopian. Religion is private, keep it to yourself! Everybody has the right for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

  • Mr. writer, your statement in the quotation below reflects your great worries about the rights of your gay friends...use your mind please before you write & post. Our Ethiopian young society doesn't want to know this dirty behavior.
    Don't be the top ridiculouist!...I am sorry for need to mention somebody's quote and for that matter gay is not human behavior to discuss about human rights issues.
    "If the religious leaders don’t wish to see any conference on LGBTs in Ethiopia, then they will have to oppose not only the ICASA conference itself but also Ethiopia’s hosting of several other international events."

    • What's up with everyone, it's not the life you choose to live but it's who you are. You can't imprison a person for marryin someone who is special for him/her, wy is everyone so against Love, joy and happiness. Would it be hard for you to watch ppl rejoice abt theire life or it's easier to make ppl's life a living hell. If you really are in to the religion thing wy u spent time hatin someone else, instead wy don't u pray for them to get back to the right life if you think like it's not normal. Believe me you have no idea how it feels like being a gay while wakin up in the mornin and wondering if your feeling is worth living, wonderin if you ever feel love like any other couple along the street, wonderin if you ever ll ve a normal life with a your beloved partner. God for one second pls stop and think how it feels like when someone try to judge your condition when they ve no idea how it's like to be in your shoe.

  • thanx dani for a well presented topic. The issue of over a million ppl starving to death should've brought the religious leaders together, instead sexual activity of two consenting adults got their attention. Whats funny is the LGBT community in addis isn't asking for the legalization or to marry in court, they r just asking to b left alone.and on abitu's comment...u forgot to mention what obama said. Which is '' gay rights is not a special right, its human rights''

  • Well I can see that you're really into "human rights" rather than the bashing of gay from the way you put your ending! But I'd say the topic sentence of each paragraph in here is about GAY RIGHTS! Well one thing I'd like to tell you my friend is as you yourself have stated President Obama's quote (which is his view & opinion), it is only the opinion of the religious leaders and I guess they (the same as you are doing now) have every right to speak their minds and what they believe in or rather as you put it as their interpretation of the bible!
    But what is you real intention here? Asking to legalize "courting" of one man with another, if I may put it that way! Or just to say that "the life and safety of individuals is at stake". And I have one question for you, would you be quite if a burglar enters your fathers house just because Ur father is quite about it, but still has been heard stating that he won't allow uninvited guests or burglars for that matter are not invited in his house! I don't think you would.
    So don't be, or act surprised about what's being said or being done. As all these are bound to happen as is written in the bible!
    Plus my friend I doubt to believe that U would accept your brother to be gay. Unless of course U yourself R gay, or not an Ethiopian! No offense here though!
    But one day we might be able to see gays walking in the streets of Addis hand in hand with straight ppl...

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