
General Abizaid: don’t rush into conflict | Ethiopia’s Somalia intervention 2006

A Leaked US Embassy Cable reveals that Pres. George Bush’s favorite General cautioned PM Meles Zenawi against ‘a rush into…

Senator inquires Ethiopian motive, military capacity | Ethiopia’s Somalia intervention 2006

Leaked Cables of US Embassy Addis Ababa refutes the recurrent claim regarding the December 24, 2006 Ethiopian military intervention in…

Meles Zenawi asked US for Intel | Ethiopia’s Somalia intervention 2006

Despite the repeated media claims that Ethiopia went to Somalia ‘to do America's dirty job’, four leaked Cables of Nov.…

PM wary of US condemnation; UK stopped Uganda? |Ethiopia’s Somalia intervention 2006

The Ethiopian Prime Minister was wary of a possible US condemnation about two month before launching a military offensive in…

US – Ethiopia meetings on the eve of Ethiopia’s Somalia intervention 2006

It is fashionable for detractors of Ethiopia to claim that ‘Zenawi invaded Somalia at the behest of George Bush’, as…